• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • They will give him full immunity, there is no doubt in my mind. They will also word it in such a way that it gives trump the break he needs without granting SHIT to biden

    If trump takes the pres again, it’s all over. Seriously. He’s already packed the court to be a viciously biased conservative one that follows the whims of the federalist society, and you know what will happen next? He’ll pack in EVEN MORE CONSERVATIVE CHRISTO-FACISTS. That is something a new pres can’t fix, as we’ve already seen.

    We are fighting for the life of this nation and its democracy. God fucking damnit, we’re fucked.

  • Every youtube reviewer’s goal is to be popular enough to be a paid shill. It’s money they’re after, not your praises.


    There are lot of shills and a lot of sock-puppets that prop them up.

    Prop them up? Occam’s razor would imply that it is more-so people following trends than it is apple paying shills to get in the trenches and push lies.

    they just have same pattern.

    Why this isn’t obvious is just idk.

    if it’s so obvious, surely you can provide some tangible proof? Like I’m confident apple and every other company does this but the way you framed this take it seems to imply that is the main driver and the majority of positive sentiment is just bots or scripts, which is just absurd.

    You think Apple is paying all the kids to clown on non-imessage bubble colors? Or is it more reasonable that there is something closer to a hive-mind in regards to what is trendy and popular/a status symbol?