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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Do a background search on this asshole. He is one more hypocrite.

    Him and his wife already had an abortion - that’s fine IMO but fuck him for telling everyone else how to manage their reproductive rights.

    He’s a crook too. Shocker right? A fishy Republican? All the news sites here in NC have been doing reports on his business practices over the last several years - prior to him getting in government and apparently paying Federal income taxes wasn’t part of his MO.

    Of course he has played it up like ‘poor me I couldn’t afford it’ and blamed all his losses on NAFTA. The guy is a real piece of work. He makes no mistakes it’s all someone else’s fault.

  • Am late to the game here but after reading the article I would agree.

    I use it off and on if I am looking up formulas and scripts and find it a great tool for work. It saves a ton of time. It works great and haven’t noticed any change there. Request it to give/write you a specific formula to solve X and it will. It’s a huge time saver.

    But I’ve found recently if I am trying to just find information on a subject that I want summarized or something found on the web and explained it will often ‘recommend I check out the company’s website for the latest news or recent developments.’

    That last statement was an exact quote I got recently that made me laugh when I went asking for the explanation of how something worked. It was a NO SHIT SHERLOCK moment I had after getting several of these sort of replies.

    I mean I har gotten detailed explanations of string theory ages back from ChatGPI and now it’s telling me ‘ummm just go look it up - I can’t right now…m