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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • True point.

    My IT setup to get control of my daughter’s not-yet-rocketed-addiction is: screentime from Apple (that can be circumvented), seperated wifi for teens with on/off times (still they can use mobile network), blocked ip‘s for insta & tiktok at router level (still not all IPs in there), and a hacker-style tool called Firewalla to monitor and control their traffic with porn, youth filter-block ability (also in the router, but not sure how well this works at eg youtube)

    For this setup you need some steps beyond standard IT knowhow. And still it’s only 95%. Some day they find how to get through the little holes.

    Oh, this effort for 3-4 hrs screen time a day including podcasts and whatsapp.

    Next step will be to separate devices. She wants a new phone for birthday. Then we put Spotify for the podcasts on the old phone and block everything else. The new phone for the rest with even more reduced screen time.

  • Don’t think labor costs is a big factor. Car production is the sector that is most automated. Just think of this endless bands of hanging cars with robot arms working on it. Tesla even topped this.

    It’s mainly the unwillingness to design and sell cheap cars due to less profits. In Germany we had electric cars for 20k€ or even combustion cars under 15k€. But they stopped building it. Although it was sold out in weeks.

    In my region there was a Startup by the Aachen University RWTH (which is an elite university in Germany) bulding small EVs for around 20k€. They simply bought all parts from suppliers and just assembled it. And engineered and designed it first. Unionized and still competitive. Unfortunately, they didn’t fly.

    EV building is rather simple. The software is key. And this is the missing part at car makers capabilities.

    I second your thoughts on trade war. However, I guess it will be much simpler with high taxes, high quality regulations, and may be less support by car workshops. We will see…

  • Very nice animation. Haven’t seen it in this remarkable way. Quite insightful. Even your writings.

    Just want to add some points: One still can see in todays „power map“ which countries haven’t been colonized and stayed independent. Those countries are still somehow more powerful and independent in their economics: Japan, Thailand, Persia (Iran) The way they managed to stay out of the muddle was different. Still it is burnt into their strategic politics and self-confidence.

    For China it was a trauma that is still active. It never has been a follower in their history, but a leader. We‘ll see in next centuries if that ends into a world war III.

    One of the most fascinating questions is, and for me as well, why does it start in Europe? Not in India, China or Persia. Does anyone has good books about this question?