So I would say no, except over the last 4-5 years, without fail, every winter we would run into furnace issues that it first were kind of an easy quick fix and just kind of a pain but then over time got to the point where even after replacing relays and a few other parts it still wasn’t operating properly, and finally died on us. We had a home warranty at first, and they would send out someone who would get it working for maybe another 3-6 months but after 3 years we got rid of it because they refused to ever actually replace anything. Finally on the 4th winter, the furnace went and never came back. Ended up replacing the HVAC units and upgrading a bit, and it’s been great. Even with higher utility prices we’re paying significantly less on electrical and gas bills and no issues.
I think people need to stop using the term ‘AI’ for everything a computer does to simulate thought or creativity. AI algorithms are basically large scale piracy machines capable of scanning the entirety of human art so that it can create a reasonable imitation based off the source material its consumed. Its strength is in its ability to internally pursue, and fail, billions of potential outcomes and come to one that meets the criteria its been givien within seconds or minutes. Instead of a million monkeys at a million typewriters, its like a quadrillion monkeys, and they’re all on adderall.
The truth is that it never understood the source material. It doesn’t feel anything from it, it doesn’t comprehend it. Everything that it does is derived from the material used for training and the instructions its received. If thats the case then we’re talking about Virtual Intelligence, not true AI or AGI, and I think thats an important distinction. I’m also surprised that more lawyers and copyright holders don’t feel that way.