Nah I’d rather take him out
Nah I’d rather take him out
Write everyone at works name in it except me>even my brothers> Owner will have no choice but to promote me>profit
While i agree there is the occasional angry person on lemmy. Reddit was quite literally affecting my mental health with its 24/7cycle of angry people, boot livking mods and just generally awful people.
On lemmy I find 9/10 interactions to be great
My 16th birthday we were on a family vacation. I was upset that day cause I wanted to be with friends, my dad was pissed cause I was unhappy and didn’t even tell me happy birthday. Sounds like not that big of a deal but to teen me it was devastating
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Nah she just larping as a journalist
Cuz horny. It’s fun with the right partner
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Our soul is weighed against a feather by the holy mother. Not like Mary or whatever, the real all powerful 5th dimension all is one in time and space holy mother.
If our soul tips the scale against one’s favor then you are reincarnated… you’re reincarnated into tge sane family however the dynamics keeps changing each time you’re born. You’re sister might be your brother next time and you’re a wife in one life then maybe a fatherless uncle in the next. Anyway once we achieve enlightenment, we are given a choice, stop the cycle or keep going
My dog needs to know I’m ok so I watch him poop and he watches me poop 🙃
I’m well aware of its purposes and you’re doing it wrong. “The onion” is a satirical based news site based in our current reality, always has been. In turn “not the onion” subs and instances are based in the same reality, while goofy they always take place in our current reality, as such youre wrong im right na na,-na na boo boo
Really isn’t not the onion material in my opinion. It’s a well known fact that cartels and coyotes have been using tunnels for decades now
That’s an interesting way of thinking about that. Huh. Sone of my favorite bands too. So if we lived under a peaceful just administration then what? Constant peaceful melodies. Do we need a machine to rage against for great music.?? You may be onto something
Its like common if like the heater is like super like old
Drugs hard core prescription sleeping pills. I’m sorry but if you’re as desperate as I was and have tried everything then hard sleeping drugs typically with a benzodiazapine in it
Daily is too much. It desensitizes you to normal sex. If your getting your jollies off to to your deepest fantasies every day it does something to the brain. Porn once a week, I see no problem with it messing with one’s psyche. But I’m not a porn brain doctor so what do I know??? Im just a middle aged dude that may or may not have watched way too much porn in my younger days. The biggest warming i can give is one should never ever, never ever, do meth cand watch porn for 24 straight hours. Just take some rando from the internet word for it. You essentially do lines of meth then watch porn all night, edging yourself the whole time, then finally after 20 hours of wanking and looking for that perfect video you have an almost convulsive orgasm, you think you’re having a heart attack, your load shoots into the next bedroom straight through the walls and as you cum you lie there thinking your dying and that your family will find you surrounded by various drug paraphernalia and the dirtiest porn imaginable playing while the paramedics load up your still cumming corpse. So yeah like don’t do that.
Anyway, what was the question again?
Do…do… do you assume everyone had a hs bully??? Aw buddy. Who bullies the bully if that’s the case, oh wait I forgot, his dad beats him, damn
When you’re rich it’s just called a suggestion not terrorism
I was so happy when I found lemmy. A great alternative to reddit with a small and kind community. I hope it doesn’t turn into the cancer that is reddit.
I joined reddit in 2013. It was great until it wasn’t