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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Any trump supporter reading this will see this thread and know that the Democrats are delusional because the full context of the quote shows that it was not to be taken seriously and within seconds Trump not only dismissed it as a joke but called that liberals would take this quote out of context and run with it.

    Which is exactly what is happening. Besides giving Republicans more reasons to stick their heads in the sand, what on earth is the point of discussing this? Trump himself called out that it’s just more good publicity for him.

  • I mean, kind of. Socialist/the progressive left have a toehold in our government. Bernie sanders has done a shit ton to drag the Overton window towards the left (see healthcare for just one example) both in his run for president and his time as a senator passionately arguing in favor of leftism. Our country is designed not to build coalitions with anything but the two ruling parties. It’s a good thing though that there are people like AOC, who, while not as radical as Bernie and has some questionable positions, are able to become the new guard.

  • An issue with this tweet is that we already have the capacity to do a lot. We have the technology to provide healthy and diverse diets for the entire planet and fit a cities worth of farming inside a few city blocks (vertical hydroponics/aeroponics). We have the ability to create electricity in a dozen different renewable ways. We have the ability to desalinate water creating nearly infinite fresh water, we have enough square footage in the world to easily house everyone. We have stellar education systems that we could hand out to the entire world.

    Why don’t we do it? Well, all these things cost money. But the issue is, there also exists staggering amounts of money across the world. The panama papers revealed just a fraction of the wealth being hoarded by just a fraction of the wealthiest people in the world (and most implicated in the panema papers weren’t even too crazy, like soccer stars and business owners). There’s exists tens to hundreds of trillions of dollars of wealth created by the world just floating around in billionaires bank accounts and in the coffers of world powers.

    So it’s not an issue of abundance coming in the near future, we have it here on earth right now.