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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 5th, 2023


  • So ethnic cleansing and support thereof is now reduced to “a policy?” That’s a big oof.

    Biden mishandled COVID, has slowly re-enacted some of Trump’s worst policies on immigration, abandoned those who, at no small risk to themselves, supported us in Afghan, has presided over a massive increase in the cost of housing… and I guess, on the bright side, forgave a fraction of a percent of the student loans he said he’d forgive.

    Maybe it’s time to support someone who doesn’t have the blood of countless innocents on his hands.

  • Objectively, he has been a mediocre president whose most impressive victories have stemmed from the fact that the economy was already recovering from a worldwide pandemic. His handling of the withdrawl from Afghanistan was an appalling travesty that got countless innocents killed, his two-faced positions on Gaza (lamenting the human rights abuses while cutting aid and supplying weapons,) the fact that the interest rate for home loans has skyrocketed in an already difficult to afford housing market, and quite honestly, his racist and homophobic past make him difficult to swallow.

  • Probably the most relevant line in the entire article:

    a series of polls have suggested Biden will narrowly beat Trump in the November vote. But with eight months to go, and the polls so tight, this could change and a number of polls have also indicated that Trump will win the election.

    Whether Biden wins or loses is going to come down to how well he engages people in key states. Outside of the “blue no matter who” crowd, people have decidedly mixed feelings about voting for a candidate whose strongest argument is that he isn’t Trump. Everything from events in the weeks leading up to the election to the weather (which affects Dems more than Reps) will matter, so rather than leaning on polls that suggest a victory… it might be wise to end those behaviors and policies that have human rights advocates concerned.

  • Fair question!

    If an email address is being used for fraud, they don’t need to see the encrypted copy; they can see the copy sent out to other people from that address. So if I send you a message from my Protonmail to your Gmail, the following is true:

    Copy @ Protonmail: E2EE.
    Copy @ Gmail: NOT E2EE.

    There are other, circumstantial ways to tell as well. If you’re trying to scam people with DudeBro Cryptocurrency, you necessarily reveal the address you use when you send our your spam or scams. If I send malware from notactuallydiotima@proton.me, the proof that I sent the malware does not require you to see my server stored mail; you can just look at your own copy to see.

    Does that make sense?

  • As we look at usage of that and the number of people that were redeeming those and using them, it was just not a feature that was available in Crunchyroll and isn’t in our roadmap.

    I’ll translate corporate dickhead for those in need.

    “We determined that the number of people who would be impacted would be low enough to avoid real blowback, so we decided to fuck those people in the Crunchyroll with a rusty Buster Sword because really, who cares what some anime nerd thinks anyway?”

    Ideally, they would be forced to honor the “forever” promise in perpetuity. Alternately, forcing them to issue physical copies of equivalent quality to every impacted customer for every title they were to have “forever” access to would be reasonable. Plus, you know, a massive ‘acting like complete dicks’ penalty for trying to pull this nonsense.

  • These results are interesting, though the article does note that the overall results seem to map along party lines for mote contemporary presdients (with notable exceptions, like Clinton.) In case anyone wonders, the polling pool was:

    “…current and recent members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association … as well as scholars who had recently published peer-reviewed academic research in key related scholarly journals or academic presses.”

    So, not a general survey in case anyone wonders.

    Edit: I do wonder how balanced this survey was, though… if Obama was 6th and 15h and Biden was 13th among Democrats and 30th among Republicans, and nonetheless 14th overall, it does suggest that the poll was heavily skewed toward Democratic respondents. Nothing wrong with that, just food for thought.

  • This smells an awful lot like the “poor people just need to try harder” nonsense conservatives hit people with when low income people complain about being low income.

    I have campaigned for alternate candidates for many years. Unfortunately, it’s a battle that I’m meant to lose, every time. Contrast with the average party line voter, whose effort is often showing up for an hour to vote as they’re told.

  • And he was vilified and his supporters were blamed for Clinton’s loss, as I recall. The party elite are on record noting that they would be comfortable bypassing the party’s choice. There was no real chance that Sanders would get the nomination. Regardless, your assumption that anyone displeased with Biden just sat on their hands is… somewhat ridicluous. Given that they were going up against one of the most powerful political machines in the world, the chance of them making a dent in the establishment, even if they were activists full-time, would be low.

    And if you think running within the party is difficult, hoo boy. You don’t even want to talk about the anti-democratic fuckery that the GOP and DNC collude to impose on third part hopefuls.

  • It shows nothing of the sort.

    There was approximately a zero percent chance, statistically, that the superdelegates would vote for anyone beyond Biden. There was nearly no chance that a challenger would have been received with anything but contempt. This “logic” is the same logic both Reps and Dems use to gaslight third party challengers, too. “If you try real hard you can overcome our utter control of the debates and privileged position to win! We promise!”

    Alternately, there WAS a choice and the vast majority of Democrats are okay with a candidate who is 100% okay cutting off aid to the victims of ethnic cleansing. I prefer to hope that that isn’t the case.