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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 30th, 2023


  • Or just broadly financially literate people. I only make $34k AUD.

    I’m incredibly fortunate that my parents were able to teach me financial literacy. I’m also incredibly lucky that I have the personality type to be happy “slumming it”, almost taking a sick pride in how far I can make a 50c bar of soap stretch to clean my entire body, house and laundry, so living within my means has been possible even when my means is a couch in a 4 bedroom share house with 10 roommates. (some of the best years of my life, which is far from the usual sharehouse experience)

    Because of a congenial illness, my start in the work force was delayed and is still partly inhibited. But I made a point to put a bare minimum of $20 from every pay cheque straight into a term deposit that I couldn’t touch. When it hit $1000, it moved into a more accessible emergency account, and began saving up the term deposit again. When things are easy I bump that savings contribution up as much as I can. The emergency fund is now a comfortable 5k, with another 10k in the term deposit, that’s 15 years years of savings. The only reason it’s as much as it is, is because I’ve been incredibly lucky to have very few genuine emergencies that require immediate payment. If I can put an unexpected expense on a payment plan, I do.

    There are “emergencies” I have ignored because the cost wasn’t worth it. I’ve had 9 teeth extracted, I probably could have saved them all if I forked out a few thousand for a root canal, but it made more financial sense to just let them get bad enough that I could get them extracted for free at the dental school, since now I will never have to worry about those teeth them (I’ll only have to worry about jaw bone loss).

    I’m lucky that I never had to get involved with credit card debt. I didn’t have “the bank of mum and dad”, but between my 60 cousins and 20 friends, I can borrow $10-20 from everyone to cover something big, and pay it back slowly interest free, and I make sure I do the same for them, it’s only $20 after all. I relied on that a lot when I was young and still building my emergency fund, and that’s certainly a privilege not everyone has.

    I’m privileged to be financially educated and have a social safety net, but by the living standards set by my country, I’m far from wealthy.

  • DillyDaily@lemmy.worldtoMapPorn@lemmy.worldMale to female suicide ratio by country
    3 months ago

    Women are more likely to opt for “clean” methods to avoid leaving a mess for grieving family. Paracetamol overdose, poisons, natural gas. For whatever reason (and anecdotally I can blame the way women are socialised to put others first by valuing “feminine” traits of caring and nurturing) women will go for a slower, even more painful method if it means less trauma for those finding the body. Women often have an existing support network that “failed” them, and they don’t want that support network to feel guilty, so making their death seem “peaceful” plays into the suicide plan.

    Men are more likely to go for methods that are quick and effective because the ultimate goal is to die. Men don’t have that same support network, there was nobody there to “fail” these men, they often had no one in the first place, so there’s not as much consideration for what the method of death may mean for those left behind. Men are more likely to jump in front of trains or shoot themselves.

    The support network plays into this as well, because women often have other people, they may accidentally let on that something has changed in their lives suicide motivation. Even a simple “you’re a great friend, thank you for being there” text could send a red flag and women are more likely to have paramedics called by a suspicious friend or family member.

    Because men often don’t have anyone, they don’t raise any red flags, so their attempts have no external intervention.

  • Can you explain how the pill and IUD are out?

    The combined oral contraceptive pill suppresses ovulation, there’s nothing to conceive with.

    Copper IUDs denature the head of the sperm, meaning they are no longer able to fertilise an egg.

    In both instances, there’s either a no egg, or no viable sperm. It’s no different to having sex while infertile (is that a crime too? Because if it is I’d like to see them try and stop me)

    I can see how the pill could end up on the chopping block, as it’s secondary method of action is to prevent the uterine lining thickening enough to support implantation of a fertilised egg, but copper IUDs prevent contraception, so life never begins, and thus nothing is “murdered”

  • All the time, always and forever.

    I will buy adaptors, and seek out wired headphones with a jack that fits my phone.

    Friends and families have bought me wireless headphones, but I am a walking Bluetooth black zone (I’m constantly having to reset Bluetooth connections on my all my devices, no one else in my household has the same problem), and I’m notorious for loosing things.

    I superglued my wireless ear buds to a chunky necklace so even if one fell out it wouldn’t get lost, it would just dangle around my neck. Lost the whole thing somewhere between the garage and the front door one night. Got my housemates out crawling in the grass looking for it with torches and playing the “lost ear bud” tone from the app, but we never found it. Not even when mowing the lawn did we ever hear it getting chewed up.

    I’m not an audiophile, I have reverse slope hearing loss and I’m currently using a $10 pair of 3.5mm earphones with a $7 usbc adaptor and its exactly what I need because it’s cheap, replaceable, and I wouldn’t even notice better audio quality if it stuck it’s tongue in my ear.