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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • That’s a lot of words to say you don’t understand what liberalism is… No mount of “strong welfare” counteracts support of capitalism and the oppression and inevitable fascism that comes with it. Because yes, necessarily.

    The fact that you think me saying all of this makes me a tankie is a perfect demonstration of your lack of understanding of these terms and ideas (and/or of your unwillingness to challenge your bias and think outside of the parameters capitalism has set for you).

  • American political ideology as a whole has shifted left in recent years

    Pfffffffffff… 😂🤦‍♀️
    The American political landscape doesn’t even have the left on it.

    In all honesty, it’s really fucking depressing that despite the blatant and open attack by one party on women’s rights, and the complete impotence of the other to restore, or hell, even fucking address what bare minimum rights they once had, outside of a campaign speech, more women haven’t realised that no one in the system is serving them, and shift to the actual left, but sadly the propaganda seems just too powerful (or on some cases, the other privileges still too comfortable to risk, even in the face of loss of autonomy to the state).

  • So people who use their phone to communicate like deaf, blind, and/or nonverbal people or those who don’t speak the language and use it to translate, as well as those who need it to help ease anxiety or as a barrier between themselves and an overwhelming world (in other words - disabled and other marginalised people), can go fuck themselves, can they?

    Oh wait, don’t tell me, “if there arises a need an exception will be made”, which is basically saying disabled and other marginalised people can go fuck themselves, unless they are willing to be stopped, forced to disclose their personal and/or medical information to strangers and be scrutinised on the spot by people without any training with the potential of being punished if said laypeople decide that actually they don’t see good reason for the phone use…

    Like, even without all of this the idea is a pathetic joke being enforced by power hungry control freaks, but the fact that they’re happy to so openly punish and exclude marginalised people (who might stay home rather than face a world where they can’t communicate, or where they might get constantly stopped and scrutinised for doing so) is just disgusting.

    Fuck these people.

  • The frustration that we feel over bigotry can be expressed in so many ways. We don’t need to rely on ableist slurs. Alternative phrases are more descriptive, and more accurate; unintelligence is not the prevailing problem with right wing extremists, for instance, nor is it the cause of their actions. Ignorance, prejudice, and disregard for the rights of others are.
    Conflating harmful actions with lack of intelligence does everyone a disservice. To suggest that “stupidity” that is what makes people act badly undermines any real accountability. The causes of problematic behavior rarely have anything to do with mental acuity, and we can’t properly address harmful behavior while being so reductive about its causes. Carelessness, bias, hatred, greed, closed-mindedness, indifference – these are the traits that lead to oppression. Our intelligence is not the issue so much as our sense of compassion and justice.
    A person can be unintelligent and still know right from wrong. There are people with cognitive disabilities who I respect a thousand times more than those who are supposedly more abled. They have stronger principles, seek to better themselves, and are committed to being good people. They are just capable of being sensitive and caring as everyone else. To imply that they aren’t is outrageous.


  • I have lots of empathy for people and usually try not to judge people by demographics and happenstance

    but you don’t, and you are…

    The frustration that we feel over bigotry can be expressed in so many ways. We don’t need to rely on ableist slurs. Alternative phrases are more descriptive, and more accurate; unintelligence is not the prevailing problem with right wing extremists, for instance, nor is it the cause of their actions. Ignorance, prejudice, and disregard for the rights of others are.
    Conflating harmful actions with lack of intelligence does everyone a disservice. To suggest that “stupidity” that is what makes people act badly undermines any real accountability. The causes of problematic behavior rarely have anything to do with mental acuity, and we can’t properly address harmful behavior while being so reductive about its causes. Carelessness, bias, hatred, greed, closed-mindedness, indifference – these are the traits that lead to oppression. Our intelligence is not the issue so much as our sense of compassion and justice.
    A person can be unintelligent and still know right from wrong. There are people with cognitive disabilities who I respect a thousand times more than those who are supposedly more abled. They have stronger principles, seek to better themselves, and are committed to being good people. They are just capable of being sensitive and caring as everyone else. To imply that they aren’t is outrageous.


  • Jfc, this is pathetic, but sadly reflective of the actual big picture it thinks it’s giving - trump is a symptom. He is not the cause, he is not the single issue that we need to “beat”, the system that enables him to exist is.

    That same system that indoctrinates all of society in to capitalism and the systems of oppression it (and the likes of trump) relies on.

    The same system this psychologist is conveniently ignoring to get their nonsense published as some sort of revelation, when in reality it is serving that very system by continuing to deepen the divide in the working class and blame those being manipulated instead of those in charge of the system based on manipulation.

    Some people being able to break free from that indoctrination doesn’t magically make those who don’t [insert ableist slur/armchair diagnosis], it makes them victims of a scam. And you don’t free them (and by extension yourself) by blaming them and pretending like if only they voted for the other puppet in the 4-yearly illusion of choice show all our problems would be solved, you free them by ending the fucking scam.

    (to be clear - this doesn’t mean you don’t hold people accountable for their actions, but that you look at the big picture to gain some fucking perspective and understanding, and then hold people accountable for what they’re actually responsible for, rather than everything that is wrong in the world and systems far beyond their control, and then pull a shocked pikach face when it doesn’t work. No fucking shit sherlock…)