found it. Welcome to the NHK
found it. Welcome to the NHK
GrayJay works fine for me
All your data and traffic passes through various routers and servers (both of which are computers and have memory) while you do anything on the internet (You can find the list of such computers by doing a traceroute). But because it is end to end encrypted - you don’t care.
It’s transient.
You can selfhost PairDrop though. Including the signaling and turn server. It’s open source.
The file does not get uploaded to remote servers. It passes through them, fully encrypted, and the server does not have the keys to decrypt your files.
What’s so bad about servers?
Both are open source.
The signaling server just sees the IPs of your devices and matches them by roomID.
The turn server sees only locally encrypted files and your IPs (and it is used only IF you are behind a NAT).
As far as I see, there is no way for anything bad happening, but I am happy to learn if you know something. If you need it for a proof, I’d gladly give you some of my IPs and encrypted files - see what you can do with them.
I guess you didn’t watch the anime. (Serial Experiments Lain)
In the story, some secret agency is running an experiment on her. Her family is fake, she gets custom, powerful hardware slipped to her by strangers, etc. So it is reasonable to assume that in that scenario that bedroom would actually be wired for that much electrical draw.
What OS/distro are you using?
mr. robot
I always vote.
But when I vote for a minority favourite, I don’t go around saying that all other parties ignore a “significant portion” of voters.
As for games, I also always vote with my money.
Oftentimes I buy games (and not even play them) just because they have a linux native release. But I still don’t think linux gamers are a “significant portion” of gamers.
So stop with these kind of baseless accusations, where you conjure up a non existing correlation from your ass.
Just hit me up when your prediction comes true and I’ll happily agree that you were right all along. But looking at historical trends and the data that we have on the matter today - I can not share your confidence.
There were 11.1 million game developers as of Q1 2024.
The total number of game development companies from the tallied data is 9,924.
So you have knowledge of a tiny subset, which can not be extrapolated to apply to all of them.
As with your arguments where you mixed relative and absolute numbers - you can not apply the learnings of one subset of game devs (yourself & the companies where you worked at) to all of them, as they operate in vastly different circumstances.
For example, here is a different opinion from a game dev:
You have to compare income from sales to development and ongoing maintenance cost of supporting a whole other platform. Not all engines can easily build for Linux. And the ones that can, are sometimes hindered by windows only libraries, which may significantly speed up development or quality of the game.
Boycots work when the market share of boycotters is significant.
It’s not absolute but relative.
Because for each individual game dev, linux gamers account for on average 2% of their sales, which is insignificant.
Linux gamers are spread across all of the games and game devs.
No, because they are above the average video games market share.
But you can’t argue that Linux gamers are a significant market share, just because the number in front of the % is the same lol.
There are millions of video games, which all have below 1% market share. Compared to the average game, a single percent is huge.
But there are no millions of operating systems with below 1% market share. Compared to the most popular OS, which has above 80% market share, 1 or 2 percent is insignificant.
There are 3.2 billion video gamers in the world, and 1.17 billion play online (numbers are from 2023).
“millions” is a couple percent. (As seen in the steam survey as well as napkin mathing the numbers from above)
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