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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I don’t think you’re wrong per se, but maybe, maybe, a political party should have to serve its voters’ interests to get them to vote it, instead of relying on the other guy being a ghoul to gather fear-votes and blackmail-votes from those it ignores.

    Not an American, but given similar experiences in my country (Greece), I absolutely do not blame them.

    Our right wing politician just got the most popular re-election and standalone election statistics, and the only reelection-higher-than-first-election numbers, in our country’s political history.

    And everyone hates him.

    I’m going to over-over-simplify, but the reason for those numbers, is that our left has failed at serving the rights and interests of the people, and then has been cannibalising itself, getting corrupted, and losing members for at least 15 years.

    If a system is so corrupt that it doesn’t take care of its citizens, they’re naturally going to stop caring and supporting it. The ghouls will take over, because ghouls thrive in corruption better. 100%-Hitler will win, when his only opponent is 75%-Hitler, because 100%-Hitler is actually liked by some part of the populace.

    This kind of fattening-of-the-ruling-class has been the way almost every single empire has weakened itself into collapsing over time, in human history.

  • … I don’t know if I’d call it sad, as much as kinda baffling. Vim was on every package manager list I’ve seen, under text editors… Big stylised letters, how does one miss that?

    I feel like it’s someone who only uses Linux specifically for (and because of) their work, and has probably never tinkered and casually browsed around in it.

    Yeah, I can see how that can be sad, like a person who doesn’t actually share your culture/hobby after all.