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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I’ve got to say that the file explorer tabs are a great addition/comeback, and a vastly improved experience over the 90s incarnation where drag and drop was often hamstrung by system responsiveness (and could you even drag and drop to inactive tabs to activate them and bring them to the front back then? Don’t recall.) Using them in KDE Plasma at home , when i got a new win11laptop for work I was thrilled with many of the interface improvements. The telemetry and “widgets” are trash, though, as are the permanent ads in the windows context menu.

  • My ex-wife once got intestinal worms. The medicine to get rid of them, which has been on the market forever, and which is on the short list of medicines that the WHO says should be freely available to everyone as a matter of public health? $800 for Americans, literally free everywhere else in the world. Apparently intestinal worms are now so uncommon in the US that the drug is only distributed in extremely small quantities, which The Invisible Hand apparently allows big pharma to charge a fortune for. I brought in the worm in a jar in case the doctors needed to identify it, and apparently so many of the doctors and nurses had never seen one that they asked us if it was alright for them to pass around to take selfies with it. LOL.

  • I’m technically capable but all I know about is manually torrenting from public trackers without even using VPN because I got old and out of time and also like living dangerously and don’t mind getting occasionally smacked with bandwidth punishment for arrrrrrring. Usually I just use arrrr streaming. Is there a good guide to learn about the stuff you mentioned ?

  • We’re on the same page, friend. I suppose my point is that the self-appointed leaders of white evangelicalism past and present got where they are by a feedback loop between themselves and their followers. You can only sell something like hotcakes if people want what’s on offer. People wanted justification for slavery, they got it. People wanted justification for persecution of secularist jews, they got the Red Scare and McCarthyism. I’d argue that the modern christofascism has its roots most directly in McCarthyism. The John Birch Society is a white Christian nationalist organization that had its heyday in the 50s and early 60s, but really just was giving people what they wanted. A quick fix of endorphins that comes from defining and hating an evil other.

  • James Dobson started out fairly normal (relatively speaking) in the 1970s as a Christian Psychologist. My parent’s version of “the talk” for me and my sisters were audiocassettes by him about human sexuality from the late 70s/early 80s. Don’t remember much of the details, but I do recall he thought sexual fantasies were normal and had zero issue with masturbation.

    He got more and more fundie over the decades, and dove into politics. It is easy to say that Dobson and his evangelical contemporaries are hugely responsible for making evangelicalism the christofascist nightmare that it is today, but having been on the inside, it’s way worse than that.

    They’re the inevitable child of a religious culture that idolizes the god-given, white colonialist-settled US and necessarily creates cults of personality around “godly” men.