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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • Better yet, they should come to us with the plan that’s going to make ANY of the Democrats or Republicans work with a 3rd party president to allow them to get anything done. Even if some insane miracle occurred, and a 3rd party candidate got elected president, they would accomplish absolutely nothing, as it is not in the political interest of either Democrats or Republicans to work with them. In spite of what Trump would like people to believe, presidents are not dictators and can’t just do whatever the hell they want. All of the people endlessly screaming about how there are more choices simply refuse to accept this fact.

  • Why do all of the comments make it seem like people think that someone asked chatgpt to write a George Carlin routine or whatever? A human person, not a computer, wrote some comedy in (what they felt) was in the style of George Carlin. The technology portion of this was the cloning of Carlin’s voice to “perform” the routine. And you can feel however you want about either part of that. I mean, seems like you’d have to be pretty far up your own ass to think you can just put your own words into the mouth of someone else, especially someone who is no longer in a position to call you a fucking idiot, or not. But the story that people are commenting on, sure seems to be quite different to the actual events that occurred.

    As far as the actual story, they know what they did. They know full well that they could have actually did a Carlin impersonation if they had wanted. They could have written their material, went up on stage, said exactly want they were doing, performed their bit, dressed up for the part, hitting as many of the mannerisms as they could. A real, actual, proper attempt at an impersonation. They could have done that, and almost no one would have cared. A few people might have been upset about it, as there always are. But largely, no one would have batted an eye.

    But they didn’t do that. They did this. They did this, knowing full well that the claim of it being an “impersonation” was bullshit. And knowing full well what the response would be. And it was exactly the response they wanted. All of the attention and outrage they are getting directed at them right now? That was the point.

  • Funny, considering I’ve moved over to a paid proton account as my primary email, and my former primary email/Gmail account, with its ability to instantly become infinitely many disposable email addresses, is now used as exactly that. This same procedure occured many years ago, when I made my yahoo email into the disposable junk mail home, and my shiny new Gmail became my primary. I wonder how many years it be until proton becomes my disposable, and some as-of-yet to be created service becomes my new primary email. Or maybe email will finally be dead by then, and we’ll use something else entirely.

    I will say, even after all of these years, and using the living shit out of my Gmail account in many, many places, I still only get two or three spam emails at most during the entire year.