Actually I do not. That’s an investment.
Developer for 30+ years, father of four.
Actually I do not. That’s an investment.
Star Trek is a utopia. Why wouldn’t we wish to live there?
I’m going to answer your question with what I’ve done for the last 30 years. Carry no debt. I do occasionally carry some debt in the interest of satisfying the credit algorithms but otherwise I have no interest in playing the interest game.
That is far more thought than I put into this comment.
Both of my parents, as I grew up in the 80s, were not religious. I did go to Sunday school at the behest of my grandparents who were all quite religious, but I never believed in any of the beliefs they were peddling. I can completely understand the need to believe in something, as the alternative is existential dread. As I wind down my life, heading to a void, I don’t find that discomforting. I don’t find all of history before I was born discomforting, so why would I find all of history after I die discomforting?
In N Out
Only if you are buying guns.
I fucking loved Captain EO. Such insanity and catchy music and dance moves all blended in this 80s dystopian wild ride.
As much of pornhub that will fit.
Wait until you see what I do in a NASCAR race.
For the day? I guess it depends on how technical you want to get about what a screen is. I’ve read on a Kindle for 5 hours today, as I want to re-read this book series before the next book comes out next week. I was also flying in flight simulator at the same time, but that was 80% autopilot.
NASA should hire this person.
Well blow me down, that sounds delicious.
That is fascinating. Would you mind elaborating on how roasted brussel sprouts and bacon are cooked and how you have a good memory of that?
Hmmm, it seems that trolls have invaded AskLemmy.
5 days in 1994, and for no particular reason, just for funsies. Now I get cranky if I get denied my sleep schedule for more than 4 hours.
Ok, I’m all in favor of some rather radical questions on here, but come on.
The last time I was with a woman it was actually twoo, it was quite magical, I tell ya.
Being poly, absolutely. I wouldn’t need to do it for my kids, I would just go because we’re still friends and I like her new life partner.
English mother fucker, do you speak it?