Thanks you, I use it because I still have neofetch installed from when they still haven’t announced it’s no longer supported
I like 2a the most but I enjoyed listen to all of them
Do you get laid by being an asshole on the internet?
With archinstall script you can install Arch in less than 1 minutes (not counting copying system files)
That’s a bold claim, I’m gonna need a proper source to believe you
LoL they won’t, even if they buy it for 1 trillion dollar
Because it has just one instance and choosing an instance is too hard to Twitter users
Human aren’t worth their time
So premium users put their data on a pedestal for Google? That’s fun
Didn’t they do that since win7?
Knowing Windows users they probably just complained about it and pay Microdicksoft anyway
Apple finally caught up with 2018 technology
Fucking YouTube is at it again, and you know what? I think Susan make a better YouTube CEO than the current retarded CEO, Luckily Revanced is a thing hopefully they patch it if it come true
I never use DDG before, but I think it’s pretty similar since DDG and SearX index their results from Bing (SearX and also index from Google, qwant… if you enable them), but SearX is decentralized and open source but DDG at core is not, you also have to trust DDG with your info (who know? maybe they lie about their privacy policy but I hope not)
BMW does have shady monetization tactics with their newer car, but Subaru shred almost every other car brands to dust