“No crust?”
“No crust.” 😎
“No crust?”
“No crust.” 😎
All my friends remember when by about +/-3 days. Every year I invite everyone to meet for food and drinks one night.
It’s nice and works very well, but lacks a user base.
Yep, people have had to use alternative Discord clients on Linux for quite some time.
For anyone curious: Vesktop, ripcord, webcord, and armcord are the ones I tried at some point.
Hah, I just like spreading the good word of piracy. Especially Discord since their app is a piece of shit.
Oh no, not my free account.
Thanks for the heads up, though!
I don’t fully understand how Discord works, but apparently certain Nitro perks are just client side toggles. I only use it for streaming 1080@60fps, so I’m not sure about things like emojis, and after that I don’t even know what other Nitro perks exist.
Sorry autocorrect!
You can fake a Nitro subscription for free higher quality streaming. Look up Vendord, it hardens Discord for better security, adds themes, and plugins. One such plugin is fake Nitro.
Edit: Vencord. Got autocorrected.
Also adding I have only used fake Nitro for streaming quality. So I have no idea if it works for emojis or whatever other Nitro perks there are.
It’d take a fresh install, but W11 IoT Enterprise LTSC is how all current Windows should be. Only has Edge + Defender.
You can find it on massgrave.dev
Winget makes fresh Windows installs much less painful!
Just incase it helps anyone: For the 11 IoT LTSC, to use winget you first have to install 2 packages via power shell. First: VCLibs.x64.14.00.Desktop.appx Then: DesktopAppInstaller_********.msixbundle
It feels snappy enough to me. I dunno about fans though, as I set mine in UEFI/BIOS.
Just adding that 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC is also super solid and great for gaming, no bullshit installed, just Edge + Defender. I disable Edge- instead of uninstalling- with a tool that just breaks it, since Edge always gets installed again eventually.
I got it from that same site, been problem free for months now. I only went with 11since my 5800X3D is still fairly new.
Edit: Fine, no bullshit other than Edge + Defender.
You can install all the M$ Store and Xbox apps. Afterwards the XBox app will tell you all the other apps missing and a 1 click button to install each. It’s just a nice clean blank slate to start with. It doesn’t even have .net or vcredist installed.
What missing feature sets?
Edit: I myself install 2 needed dependencies to get Winget running after a fresh install. One has to do with UWP.
Just doing the lords work and spreading the news of W11 IoT Enterprise LTSC. It only has Defender and Edge; no Xbox, App Store, Copilot, nor Recall, or any other bloat. Perfect for gaming. Don’t waste your time looking for it on sites like massgravedotdev.
Statement bought and paid for by oil/gas/coal?
Or does he only have a handful of brain cells left?
Isn’t Israel’s dirty little money fingers in damn near every nook and cranny of all of the USA’s federal elections, and by large amounts?
“There’s no such thing as retard/idiot proof, only retard/idiot resistant.”
It’s because the current avian flu, chicken and egg farms are having to kill a metric fuck ton of their chickens. 😢 Meanwhile spray tan is already vowing to gut the CDC and leave WHO.