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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Sure, it’s just “good worker raises” that no other worker gets must be super difficult for the law to determine what is normal employment and business, and what is a bribe.

    Would be nice if they could force the trump org to justify why only these few, specific people are getting huge raises or sweetheart deals/bonuses.

    Chances are they have similar education and competence/accomplishments as non-bribed employees. Since everyone is working at similar levels they all should get double salaries and multi-million dollar severence, or have their families get high paying jobs simply for being related.

    If he didn’t bring enough bribes for everyone, than nobody gets any!

  • Government/police insist on having basically unlimited ability to spy on people within the US, and then maybe catch a part of one operation after collecting heaps of evidence over months/years with tons of victims irrevocably harmed - and eventually a few main people get like 3-5 years in prison on a plea deal.

    I get the whole “building a case” thing, but letting multiple children get abused, while other sickos learn the ropes to eventually “get enough evidence” so a few people can plead guilty for a comparatively light prison sentences is absurd. Shut anything about it down immediately. Even if it doesn’t go to trial/conviction I’m sure the police have creative capacities to deal with child abusers outside of prison.

    And people still think sex education in school is about teaching children how to preform sex acts, instead of helping them avoid predators.

  • If it was for manufacturing something mundane like lightbulbs, I would agree with you.

    But at this point, leading edge semiconductor production is highly limited, specialized, and is being sought after by nearly everyone - and they’re willing to pay top dollar to secure supply.

    You can’t really play hardball with someone if they move their entire production and supply output to a political rival, no matter how good your local profit margins may be.

    That being said, this is absolutely a mess of our own making from offshoring everything for profit - 6bn is pocket change for the US though, so decades of profit and a manufacturing blitz isn’t really all that bad (aside from carving out the middle class, but that’s another story).

  • Lmao, you think this current loyalty test - and the future party filled exclusively with Trump loyalists - will simply pack up and go home after Trump dies? Or anyone living will be able to wear Trump’s mantle next?

    You do realize Christian Nationalism follows the (misinterpreted and cherry picked) words of someone who died 2000 years ago as their North Star right?

    Trump dieing would simply make him the new Jesus. Shit, he’s already being accepted as such while he is alive.

    Absolutely nothing will stop the current trajectory of the GOP until the people who make it up find something else more entertaining or fulfilling to do with their time.

    Unless by “Generational shit show” you mean a contest to see who can preform fellatio on Trump’s ghost the best.

  • Full quote for visibility

    "Defense lawyers for Trump and the others argued, among other things, that the indictment charging them with that specific count did "not detail the exact term of the oaths that are alleged to have been violated,” McAfee noted in his order.

    McAfee agreed, saying that the language in the indictment accusing the defendants of soliciting elected officials to violate their oaths to the U.S. and Georgia constitutions “is so generic as to compel” dismissal of the charges."

    I understand dismissing a charge of “failure to uphold and oath” when the accuser cannot establish which part of an oath was broken through specific actions in a legal case.

    I’m not exactly familiar with the law, or the oath in question.

    Hopefully oaths become more legally binding with updated, specific, terminology and do away with generic, vague platitudes that are entirely open to interpretation.

  • The media is absolutely owned by the wealthy and their sway over the common person is astounding.

    From what I’ve seen (uneducated, informal, observation of recent smaller elections) it seems Republicans are losing ground with their crazy shit from school board seats to municipal/state elections - but this could easily be confirmation bias as I’m not really tracking repuglican scores.

    It seems like regardless of what polls say, general America is fed up with the crazy and partially showing up to vote (or less R participating if they can’t be assed to vote for a D) in less significant elections these days.

    Hopefully it’s a blowout democratic win this year and they can finally close the door on this Christian nationalist, Nazi, Gilead, bullshit across as many levels in for gov’t as possible.

  • I just got a blue ray of samurai champloo - mostly because I’m sick of media in general cycling through multiple streaming services only to become unavailable.

    The SC blue ray came with a digital copy from funimation (now crunchyroll). I saw online that it’s basically a scam that doesn’t work so to see for myself I created a paid account to hopefully get access to the digital download.

    I found out it was unsupported, and at best it would only be available online and with an account - no opportunity for actual download/ownership.

    So I immediately cancelled subscription and had them fully delete my account. I figured complaining about their shit policy by cancelling a paid service and fully deleting an account would hit some metrics at least.

    When there’s a show/movie I really enjoy, I either buy physical, or torrent so I actually have it. Only some things on the internet are forever, and with the volume of content being created, “permanent” is now often only for a few months before it becomes nearly impossible to find again.