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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Conservative (and let’s be real, also neoliberal) Christians hate that verse. There are so few places in the NT where Jesus explicitly says “you will go to hell for this,” and that’s one of them. They get extremely uncomfortable if you make them think about how they believe they will one day have to stand in front of God and explain why they ignored this verse.

    So naturally I advocate bringing it up to them as much as possible. There actually are a lot of deeply Christian people who are disturbed by the dissonance there, and for the most part the messaging just isn’t happening. Like, what is the biggest Jesus advertisement campaign right now? Probably the Protestant Buddy Jesus “He gets us” campaign, which doesn’t really say much of anything.

  • This month, Walmart became the latest retailer to announce it’s replacing the price stickers in its aisles with electronic shelf labels. The new labels allow employees to change prices as often as every ten seconds.

    “If it’s hot outside, we can raise the price of water and ice cream. If there’s something that’s close to the expiration date, we can lower the price — that’s the good news,” said Phil Lempert, a grocery industry analyst.

    Jesus, I can’t imagine just coming out and saying this like it’s not fucking deranged to charge people more for WATER during a heat wave.

    Also, the first time the price of something rises in the 5 minutes it takes for me to get my shopping done and get to the checkout, I’m taking a shit on the floor.

  • Sorry to hear about your step mom. Yeah, seizures are definitely one of the things they will immediately revoke it over because no doctor wants the liability of telling you that it’s safe for you to drive. If it’s been well controlled for x months (varies by state) usually you can get the license back.

    I have a relative that’s had seizures since childhood and on the rare occasion she has a seizure, it’s always another huge stressor to lose her license for at least 6 months on top of having had a breakthrough seizure. Completely necessary obviously, where she lives just absolutely isn’t built for people who can’t drive.

  • I literally can’t downvote you or see downvotes, I’m on Blahaj.

    If you don’t understand that someone can be homophobic without saying “I’m a homophobe and hate gay people” then you’re just illustrating my point here. Homophobia is welcome in this community as long as you give it the slightest veil.

    If you have any questions about how the comments I linked are homophobic I am happy to answer them at any time. At this point you still seem uninterested.

    Please do not contact me again only to attempt to convince me that the user banned from the instance I’m on for being a bigot wasn’t actually being bigoted.

  • If you can’t finish reading my sentences please don’t respond to me. I clearly stated that I was not trying to say the user called the LGBT community demonic. I’m saying that defending that statement by denying that it even happened or saying that it’s not homophobic because it’s a Christian theological point are themselves forms of homophobia that LGBT people encounter all the time. If you are fine with that then you are fine with homophobia in this community.

    If you believe anything else you’ve said has been misrepresented feel free to have a polite discussion with me about it. Right now it seems like you just want me to say that the comments weren’t actually homophobic when they are.

    The Blahaj admins had no problems instantly recognizing the account for what it was and banning them as well as removing the homophobic comments. I don’t think I’m imagining homophobia here as you’re implying.

    Again, if you have any questions about how this is homophobic I am more than happy to help you understand. But what’s not going to happen is convincing me it’s not homophobic. If that’s your only intent then this conversation is best left here.