
Bit of a mess, kinda depressed, and going through a gender identity crisis :3

(Ongoing issues, brain pls fix)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • I’m quite excited but also mildly worried about Arch. I am currently on EndeavourOS, so I’m used to day-to-day usage of an Arch-based system, but I do worry about not following some best practices that screw me over in the long run during the install or forgetting some crucial security things. I do believe 95% of what I could mess up is going to be covered in the install guide, but who knows what I’ll overlook. And I know Archinstall exists, but I might as well stay on EOS if I was gonna use that, as I primarily intend this to be a learning opportunity. We’ll see how things go!

  • If you’re an expert tightrope walker, you’re likely not gonna fall off. You can just do it without too much issue. When you’re doing it over a chasm, and you don’t plan on dying, you’d still probably prefer a harness though, wouldn’t you?

    Edit: I’m not saying C is a bad language or anything, but for important applications the safety of actually memory safe languages is vital for lower-skilled programmers and still a good assistance for higher-skilled programmers, as we’re all humans and it doesn’t hurt to try and avoid the mistakes we will eventually make.

  • I’d rather just have it working properly inside a browser, instead of it telling me that it has this neat cross-platform app, which turns out to just be Electron. On mobile that can be fine, but I dislike it on Desktop, personally.

    Do excuse me if this is false, I have never actually worked with Electron on the developer side myself, however I don’t believe it offers anything you couldn’t do through a normally provided website. I know for example Discord only allows screen sharing in the desktop app, however I’ve also seen websites which allow screen sharing, so that seems more like an arbitrary restriction than anything. I mean, in the end it’s just a dedicated Chromium install for one single website, so where is the need to force the website onto your pc?