“Have you ever tried simply turning off the TV, sitting down with your children, and hitting them?”.
-Bender Rodriguez
“Have you ever tried simply turning off the TV, sitting down with your children, and hitting them?”.
-Bender Rodriguez
Also “Not gonna lie…” to start a sentence. Well thank you for that decency?
Gotta stop watching it for the plot and just go for the ride
I don’t use the internet
No censoring, their ideas are bad and they should feel bad.
Duh. Now can we do something about it?
Not the younglings!
These elected officials are not stupid, as much as they claim ignorance about everything anti-American they’ve done. Many went to top-tier schools as legacies without applying and have law degrees; it’s hard to claim “oops I voted against my constituents again” when they definitely know better.
Except Bobert. She took three tries to get a GED and apparently only achieved it while campaigning. She dumb.
Except Fled Cruz, he loves that place
Shouldn’t he have to die first? Naming places after living people is a terrible idea, what happens if he gets charged with rape/fraud/assault/tax evasion/election manipulation? We might think less of him…
I’ve wondered for a while if the breakdown is caused by living on our phones, Covid separation, government and mass media divisiveness, or some brain empathy destroying component in our water we haven’t discovered yet. Or a combination of all, because holy shit.
Do the truffle shuffle!
Where is that Guatemalan migrant caravan that was supposed to show up and “tek er jerbs” around the last election time?
Dude I already picked that spot
What a loser.
“Sexual affairs with a 17yo” aka Statutory Rape.
Probably? This is textbook for these people. Every accusation from Conservatives is an admission of guilt.
The 2000 Corolla 4 cylinder manual is indestructible if you change the oil and don’t crash it.
They take the man’s entire life away because he revealed us terrible things our non-elected leaders are doing to us. Who was hurt by his actions?
Maybe they tranqed the ostrich?
My research concludes that the only way the Ginger and Boots could have fucked an ostrich is if it was a dead ostrich.