“is usually written by an over worked engineer”
I’m in this post and I don’t like it.
But really these scada systems are rarely well defined by the time implementation happens. Often the architect has a great plan, but by the time it’s passed to a manager, a non-software engineer, to the product engineer to the automation team to the contractor the end result is “X data is pushed in With Y form and we use either a,b,or c date time stamp any nobody knows”
I have a local fiber group (just my city, maybe a few neighboring ones) and it’s killer. 500 symmetric for 50 a month, no caps, instant support to somebody local (minus the odd 3 am calls those might get bounced to a pretty high quality over seas group, but that’s not a big window), no contract and knowledgeable staff. Meanwhile my last cable Internet was Comcast and I think I’d rather swallow glass then willingly give them business