The BYD taxis in China are making me want an electric car more so, but I can’t financially justify letting go of a working ICE car.
The BYD taxis in China are making me want an electric car more so, but I can’t financially justify letting go of a working ICE car.
Maybe this will be a new point of evolution and our eye shapes will change in a new (not better) way were we see worse… Who knows… I don’t know what I’m talking about . ✌️
I want physical media that is not sold on optical disks. Sell me content on SD cards for example.
What if it was The Gulf of the Atlantic
Sure you can convert the DVD to whatever codec, I have found the original mpeg stream to not be very compatible with my devices. When I did 264, it was more for speed. It’s a 480 p/I mpeg2 stream, I don’t think 265 is worth the extra CPU cycles for this case. This is also just an opinion. 👍
True about AC3 being left alone, but dts should be converted, I can’t seem to get that to bitstream as nice as Dolby tracks.
I do reencode my uhd rips, to bring them down to 1080. I only have one 4k display and it’s not worth the bandwidth to try and stream it for me.
Did you try Kodi? Also, I recommend reencoding your dvd rips to h264 with eAC3 audio.
This sounds like the WP Engine debate.
What are these cables for when all new displays that support it will have builtin app that everyone is going to use to watch streaming services with. The last time I have seen an external streamer used was for someone with an older TV where the builtin apps are no longer updated.
I get the need for eARC usage, but that’s already implemented… So…?
I want my laundry machine to figure out the best way to wash whatever I toss in automatically without an Internet connection. I guess I’m asking for too much :(
I blame the streaming boom and then password sharing crackdowns.
Yes, you can get a replacement power supply.
That’s how you can draw basic things on the c64. It’s showing the alternative symbols for the key.
Could have been made by someone local. They are likely using the SD card drive by now. I hope… I didn’t get to read the full article as it asked me to sign in and I aborted.
That picture looks like his on the set of Enterprise.
I popped on the SNES with my Super Gameboy cartage for a visiting kid that’s like 7 and he was amazed playing Super Mario World 2. It was a whole new game for him. I wish I could get a cheap working gameboy for kids today, the used market is scam now with the prices people are doing.
Good thing banks use sms for two factor codes
Maybe the switch for me would require staging on a burner pixel that supported. I have a lot of shopping apps, that I may not need, but need some time on the testing phone to make sure everything works before taking the deep dive.
This is also how I made the switch off windows. Stagged it on a space older laptop to see what’s what.
I’ll get there…
This is a requirement for Immutable Distributions, not that Mint is… But others.