I think all of your points were covered in the video, sometimes almost verbatim.
I think all of your points were covered in the video, sometimes almost verbatim.
Market cap doesn’t say how much cash they have available. For that, look at cash on hand which publicaly traded companies need to report
MS has about 75B cash on hand, so they could afford this themselves. They will probably argue that it will bring jobs and expertise to the state. Also, it’s a loan, so the interest will generate funding for the state as well. nevermind, not a loan from the state, so no interest would go to the state.
Lizards are cold blooded though, would their pee be warm?
Oh, wow, sorry. It’s just Thomas that’s throwing it way off. My bad.
Also, I wasn’t disagreeing with your point at all. You’re absolutely right. Just that somewhere you had an extra zero, but it doesn’t change your point at all: judges are cheap and a billionaire could easily buy them all for a small fraction of their wealth.
You added a zero somewhere.
Also, it seems like justices are charging on the order of 1 million, so a billion dollars gets 1000 judges. Still plenty for them to get whatever they want.
John McCain died in 2018.
This would be campaign spending, not military spending. Even if it was, the budget is decided by congress, not the president.
Some these Russian trolls are so terrible.
It is a loosing battle to try to make sense of the nonsensical. Only use their craziness as a source of humor and entertainment.
I think in their crazy world, the north pole is at the center of the earth disk and Antarctica is actually an ice wall around the perimeter that keeps the water on the disk. Therefore, Africa and Australia are on opposite sides of the disk (like left-right not heads-tails) or are near the out perimeter and no one would build a cable going across that long of a distance.
If that makes your brain hurt because of the stupidity, that’s because it is. Flat earthers are only good as the target of a joke because we can all agree that it’s stupid. There are some entertaining videos on YouTube of people making fun of them, or of themselves proving themselves wrong.
Sidebery is a great FF extension that provides vertical tabs, trees, and groups.
I think those are the Church of Satan principles.
Some may prefer the Satanic Temple’s tenets: https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets
Either way, I agree, LA should be required to put up the beliefs of all religions if it will require even one.
Is it possible the worm starved to death?
How is the X in xitter pronounced? Is it “sh” like in Xi? This seems to fit this time line, but it would be nice to have confirmation.
My kid’s doctor had service to transcribe the visits. Patients may opt out verbally. This is all through the hospital, so presumably it is HIPAA compliant.
Instead of creating your own solution that complies with HIPAA, it is probably easier to use one that already exists.
It is OK for politicians to do things that help the general population. If that makes them favorable in the election and people vote for the politician, that’s OK too. That’s a democracy. Politicians are supposed to make and use the government to help people.
The hassle is that I have to have a second device to login with, and I have to keep that device with me and functioning at all times.
Obvious answer is of course my phone, but I’ve had a few situations where I needed to access an account on a new system and didn’t have a 2nd device available.
Thank you, that was a really helpful explanation that I haven’t seen elsewhere. It helps a lot and I think I now understand the difference between passwords and passkeys.
I still don’t like the hassle inherent in passkeys, but at least I understand it now.
Are sufficiently long passwords susceptible to brute force attacks?
Don’t passkeys get that feature by just being longer?
I have a question that is kind of off topic. If I use a password manager and generally use randomized secure passwords, do passkeys offer any additional security?
By practicing good password behavior, I have struggled to see how the benefits of passkeys out weigh the hassles.
2 x 10^34 for those people who like to use numbers to represent numbers in a sane way.