Maybe try sinning then?
I don’t know if it still is, but it was a suspected carcinogen at some point. It also isn’t great. For the ozone layer (but better than CHCl3 or CCl4). I think that’s the main reasons it isn’t widely available for the public now.
It also easily permeates nitrile gloves. Can’t remember if it’s the same for latex.
I just watched a video on this like an hour ago. Awesome stuff.
Haha. Nice one (pun). No worries.
I thought tyre was European. I usually see tire in north America.
95 % of the time. I don’t if I’m in public and in close proximity to someone.
I agree.
You forgot the /s.
What about indoor sports you can do alone (if other people being involved is an issue). But like darts, bowling, archery, range (gun) shooting (maybe country dependant).
As for things you don’t need to go anywhere for: modelling (miniatures, cars, tanks, planes, Gundams, etc). There’s kits you don’t need paint or glue for (and not just made for kids ones, some can get quite complex). But also ones that need both paint and glue.
I’m also a fan of cooking, if that’s something you think seems cool.
Why use more words when less work fine?
On a medication I was once on, yes. Sometimes good, often more like a horror movie you want to stop watching, but can’t. Then you’re in it and have to deal with that.
Glad I stopped that haha. Now it’s just the occasional very detailed, but mundane dreams.
Probably talking about (often obscure) horror movies, generally the more psychological, disturbing types. Either that, or chemistry.
Yeah, it gets that way when people know something major you do. The amount of lame chemistry shirts and such is far too high.
I know they mean well, and I definitely appreciate it. But it does get a bit old.
Agreed. There is a lot of new research on vaping. Could potentially cause a number of issues, but probably still better than actual smoking. I’ve heard the inhalers work sometimes because of the nicotine as well as the physical movements involved.
I’ve also seen exactly one ad (on YouTube) for some sort of flavour inhaler (no nicotine) if you’re having trouble with the physical aspect. Can’t say any more about that though, as I haven’t looked into it.
The thing is by the time I decide to watch the series again, I always forget exactly where this episode is. Tears every time.
Crust punk would be like drinking water steeped in an ashtray full of old cigarettes.
Pretty much all of my music stuff (instruments, amps, pedals). I could maybe see myself selling some, or trading or whatever. But at least the physical instruments should last a long forever…unless some catastrophic event damages them.