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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023


  • Setting a timer is more of a hassle than having my washing machine notify me when it’s done - however is most convenient for me. Due to the layout of my home, I am unable to hear the washing machine directly. And setting a timer on my phone sounds like a pain in the ass. And sometimes my wife or kids started a load and I don’t know when they did that, but I need to do some laundry myself, so I need to know if the washer is free but I don’t want to go all the way to the basement to find out.

    Luckily, my washer connects to my Wi-Fi and, unfortunately, to the Internet. I very much like that it will notify me on my smart devices around the house and on my phone. It’s actually a great feature. Similarly, I can see my next oven notifying me when it’s preheated. Similar reasons - might be doing laundry or out of earshot when it’s ready to cook.

    The problem here isn’t the feature itself. It’s undeniably useful. The issue is that LG’s programmers somehow wrote code that resulted in a tremendous amount of web traffic considering the extremely limited data that could possibly be collected by a washing machine. Think about every tiny thing you did today and write it all down in great detail. You could probably write a short novel if you really tried. And all that can be written to a file less than 1MB in size. The washing machine did not, could not collect that amount of private information about you without also sending audio and/or video. And I’m going to go ahead and assume it has neither microphones or cameras.

    So, in the end, this is pretty clearly a programming error. My guess: The washing machine sent a json file containing:

    • The status of the washer (basic functionality)
    • the ssid’s and signal strengths of every nearby WiFi and Bluetooth signal (this is personal data they’d sell - which is gross)
    • Mac address, rtt, ip address, and dns address of every device on the LAN (this is more personal data they’d sell - which is still gross) *Basic hardware health data including counters for how many cycles it has ran in its lifetime, how long it’s been running, total revolutions of each motor, temperature, and humidity readings (more basic functionality)

    And, due to a programming error, it sent this exact same data every second, uncompressed, all day, every day, until the stupid thing gets updated with a firmware patch.

    My point is, that’s simply not useful data to collect at that sort of frequency. It’s true - LG wants that data , but it absolutely does not want that data sent to their servers every millisecond of every day. They want it probably once per hour. Maybe even once every 5 minutes. LG doesn’t want 4GB(!) of the exact same data. Collecting and storing data costs real money and infrastructure.

    TLDRB I’m going to guess that someone screwed up on the coding side and that’s how you get such egregious amounts of network traffic from a washing machine.

    But the one I own does a great job of notifying me and doesn’t show the same traffic patterns. So I still think those and features are useful. Eventually you’ll probably be glad to have them in your appliances too. There’s a ton of use cases for it and it’s quickly becoming standard since the technology is incredibly cheap to produce.

    Source: a programmer

  • This makes me a bit excited to see a court rule that a sitting president is immune. If that happens (it won’t), I would expect Biden to immediately take full advantage of his newfound powers and publicly announce a dead or alive bounty for a whole slew of right-wing fascists currently holding or running for public office. That particular ruling could really solve this little Nazi problem that’s been developing here in the US.

    “Good news, Mr Trump! You’re off the hook since one of those obviously illegal things you did were crimes because you had presidential immunity. Hey, while I have you…”

  • The cloth masks were supposed to be a simple thing society could all agree to do for a while until better, medically proven masks were readily available. While they probably provide a benefit by reducing transmission, even if only by a small amount, they certainly don’t hurt. This was all that was available at a time of overflowing hospitals, supply shortages, and rapidly increasing infection rates.

    Republicans, a club of mostly white guys who have publicly declared themselves the nemesis of science, immediately embraced obviously false claims arriving in their AOL email inboxes that the masks were actually harmful and that by wearing them, they were endorsing an impending government takeover by a new world order run by black antifa Jews… or some shit, I mean Jesus fuck you guys will believe anything. So anyway, those same Republicans loudly shouted “oppression” and to this day they won’t stop talking about it even though the rest of the world can’t stop thinking about just how batshit crazy these people went in the early days of the pandemic.

    Entire international medical community : “While we really prefer if you would just stay home for a bit and cut down on social gatherings, we know you’re still going to go out. But if you could please at least wear this. It’s cheap, readily available, and we’re desperate to do anything to slow this thing down. We think they probably help in certain circumstances like if you’re infected but don’t know it yet. If we all work together and exercise basic precau…”

    Republicans: “This is literal slavery. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m late to church.”