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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I just don’t understand why not all countries are investing heavily in schools and education. Today’s kids are the future tax payers and citizens. It should be one of the most important things to invest in and yet, school buildings are falling apart, text books are either worn and outdated or massively overprized, teachers are overworked, underpaid and disrespected, staff is never enough, digitalization is nothing more than a hopeful wish because there simply is no funding to implement it, buy the hardware or hire IT experts to introduce and maintain it

  • I didn’t say that people “just decided” to be nazis and I still wouldn’t say that. A major factor is economic inequality (but surely not the only one). The narrative of having to pay back more and more so the budget gets cut more and more is misleading. Debt doesn’t work the same way for governments as for a private entity. Paying back interests is easy if the economy is thriving. You can just pay back the old loans with new ones, this is absolutely no problem and governments have been doing this for ages. Absolute debt numbers in € don’t mean anything, and debt relative to GDP or federal budget also doesn’t say whether the debt can be paid back. We are afraid of possibly/maybe/probably not/whoknows may be in the future and cut spending everywhere. And then we are surprised that people vote for alternative parties