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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • Biden and Dem leadership were saying it up to a few months ago, so it shouldn’t be hard to admit.

    It was longer than a few months ago and they clearly said why they stopped even considering packing the Supreme Court.

    Not only did they not have a congress to pass it, because they’ve never held anywhere close to enough of a super majority to get past fillibuster. But it’s also effectively handing a loaded gun to a second Trump presidency or any Republican presidency to do the same.

  • Can vouch for Viture being much more open source friendly, there’s a redditor making a plugin for the steamdeck to make it work far better with the Viture’s, and Viture has apparently given them access to some things that Xreal has refused.

    Their openness is what won me over for them over other AR glasses. Not only are the willing to help what’s effectively a competing software developer, it’s also incredibly helpful when the product is so niche, don’t have to worry about a company going out of business and your device suddenly becoming a paper weight.