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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 15th, 2023


  • And so people say we gotta tighten our belts and work just a little harder. Like in the good old days. We don’t want any handouts, do we? Do it for our country.

    I literally saw someone quote JFKs “ask not what your country can do for you” yesterday, opposing a raise of social security payouts here in Germany. A raise that was necessitated by the galloping inflation which is hitting poor families the hardest. Coupled with an unwillingness of corporate management to adequately pay their workers, i.e. pay the very people who are making stock indices rise to record heights.

    People are stupid. Mark my words, we will have a fascist government again soon. Because it’s all the brown people’s fault, so they say. And the queers and the trannies and the intellectuals, so they must all be purged.

    Never again, we used to say here. Well, we’re almost there.

  • I want to believe you are right. But ethical considerations only go so far when a growing part of your own population is suffering an existential crisis of its own. Moreover, the past years have shown just how fickle and irrational many people are. It might not take a whole lot of convincing by the demagogues lurking in the shadows to get the people of the West to drop Ukraine. The fact that many of them, like Orban, Trump, and the German right-wingers are all buddy-buddy with Putin is surely a coincidence.

  • I actually don’t think the aftermath is going to be the issue here. The seeming interminability of the situation is. Unless the West finally commits to the goal of a Russian defeat in Ukraine the situation will keep dragging on until one side collapses. And banking on the Russians being the ones to collapse first seems like an increasingly dangerous proposition, moral aspects aside. The trouble is that realistically, only the US has the arsenal to supply Ukraine right now as the other partners have pretty much exhausted their available stocks. And even with a firm commitment, building up the production capacity to keep Ukraine alive is going to take time which is fast running out for that embattled nation. If Ukraine can prevail and is fast tracked into the EU, rebuilding it will be almost trivially easy despite the high cost. Because money the Europeans can spare. Arms they cannot.