In a sane world, this lawsuit would be laughed out of court.
In a sane world, this lawsuit would be laughed out of court.
The big win I see here is the amount of optimisation they achieved by moving from the high-level CUDA to lower-level PTX. This suggests that developing these models going forward can be made a lot more energy-efficient, something I hope can be extended to their execution as well. As it stands currently, “AI” (read: LLMs and image generation models) consumes way too many resources to be sustainable.
Actually, I’m unclear on that point - do foreign companies actually have to comply, or is it just limited to government communications and government-published maps (e.g. the USGS, etc.)?
Pathetic. Hopefully the rest of the world doesn’t follow suit. Renaming it just for one of Trump’s ego trips is not a good reason.
This sounds like a really bad idea:
The “most charismatic” application of AI, said Ellison, would pertain to electronic health records, which would let doctors monitor best practices in far flung places. For instance, a doctor in Indian River reservation would be able to see how a doctor at Memorial Sloan Kettering would a treat a patient, he said.
Do we really want to give a black box unfettered access to everyone’s medical records? It’s a privacy and security nightmare waiting to happen.
Just send him offworld and close the iris.
You forgot that Windows gives you a simple error code to pass onto the support desk when it crashes! Linux, on the other hand… well, you have to dig through so many log files - who has time to read all those?
I guess I’ll be avoiding those models when I’m next in the market for a TV, or work out how to disable it/block it at my router if I am forced to connect the TV to the Internet for firmware updates, etc.
Interesting. I can imagine a scenario where the resolution of CCTV is low enough that a mask would impede recognition in that instance. It’s definitely not something I would want to rely on, though.
Sorry, but facial recognition software has basically caught up. I would not rely on a mask to prevent me being recognised today:
https://privacyinternational.org/news-analysis/4511/can-covid-19-face-mask-protect-you-facial-recognition-technology-too https://www.ft.com/content/42415608-340c-4c0a-8c93-f22cdd4cc2d6 https://www.techtimes.com/articles/304431/20240508/new-software-shows-promise-facial-recognition-underneath-mask.htm
Indeed not. So using language specific to binary systems - e.g. bits per second - is not appropriate in this context.
Some parts of the paper are available here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0896627324008080?via=ihub
It doesn’t look like these “bits” are binary, but “pieces of information” (which I find a bit misleading):
“Quick, think of a thing… Now I’ll guess that thing by asking you yes/no questions.” The game “Twenty Questions” has been popular for centuries as a thinking challenge. If the questions are properly designed, each will reveal 1 bit of information about the mystery thing. If the guesser wins routinely, this suggests that the thinker can access about million possible items in the few seconds allotted. Therefore, the speed of thinking—with no constraints imposed—corresponds to 20 bits of information over a few seconds: a rate of 10 bits/s or less.
The authors do draw a distinction between the sensory processing and cognition/decision-making, at least:
To reiterate: human behaviors, including motor function, perception, and cognition, operate at a speed limit of 10 bit/s. At the same time, single neurons can transmit information at that same rate or faster. Furthermore, some portions of our brain, such as the peripheral sensory regions, clearly process information dramatically faster.
Ugh. I hope they clearly flag AI content and allow users to filter it.
Which is more likely: that Google’s benchmarking system is wrong, or that quantum computing somehow takes place across hereto unprovable alternate realities?
I know which one I would pick.
Yeah, there are adults (in both my generation and the previous one) who have fewer critical thinking skills than today’s teens and young adults. This feels like a band-aid solution to avoid actually fixing the problems of (1) not teaching critical thinking and logic and (2) the toxic content, misinformation and disinformation on these platforms (I recognise the second one is much harder whilst trying to preserve security and privacy as well).
That is both hilarious and a brilliant solution.
What an idiot. Or is he suggesting that Harris will trigger a global thermonuclear war and so China, India or the other space powers will never be capable of interplanetary flight?
About the only thing Google is right to be concerned about here is the timeline to enforce these changes - requiring them to be implemented within a couple of weeks does indeed pose a risk that something will go wrong or be missed (causing vulnerabilities). Other than that, I look forward to Google being forced to allow competition.
Okay, this might be a non-issue: https://github.com/ChrisTitusTech/winutil/issues/2697#issuecomment-2403792309
To those that arrive here from any Youtube or Twitter posts, please know that disabling Recall via DISM works fine, and preserves the modern File Explorer (though some might consider this an anti-feature). CBS correctly disables it, and the disablement is preserved through reboots, just like with any other feature.
Edit: of course, the big problem here is that it’s still present (even disabled) and hence malware could turn it back on without you realising. Ugh.
George Orwell, 1984.