You do not, under any circumstances, gotta hand it to them
Organic guy. Silicon Valley hater.
You do not, under any circumstances, gotta hand it to them
A still from some random persons shitty travel blog taken 6 months ago of her getting on the bus in China. What do you think that box is for, cookies for the driver?
Feel free to watch for yourself, this is around minute 23. It took me 30 seconds to find this
By the way exchanges like this is why many people on left instances are outright hostile to liberals, making outlandish claims while being too fucking lazy to do even the bare minimum of independent research, racism to discount the voices of the people who are actually fucking from there saying ‘no this is bullshit’
Like who are you going to believe a regurgitation of a state department talking point or a website full of normal ass Chinese people
I know the answer bc like all liberals you are racist and intellectually lazy
Use your critical thinking skills, imagine a bus in a city of 10 million people during rush hour at a busy stop – do you honestly think they’re checking everyone’s credit score before they get on? This shit is fake you have been duped
And how exactly would an individual be subject to oversight in matters like “taxation, the environment, transportation, e-commerce, food safety, and foreign economic cooperation, as well as failing to carry out court judgments”? I know we have citizens united but corporations are not people lol
For real imagine living in a country where a faceless entity logs all of your financial activity without your consent and distills that information to summarize a person’s character into a numerical score used to lock people out of securing housing or finding work, dystopian nightmare
I mentioned Mike Jones in a joke to my wife and she unironically asked me who is Mike Jones
It was a funny moment
In before Mossad false flag terrorist attack on US soil
The U.S. economy currently relies on opening and closing the floodgates—too much water? Shut them. Too little water? Open them. Other than that, they can’t produce anything substantive. Their industrial policies, manufacturing reshoring, and infrastructure development are merely a joke. The entire U.S. is caught in a massive bubble.
I love seeing this analysis of the US from a Chinese perspective. Author is spot on (if just a touch ableist at the start but chalking that up to cultural differences)
Third, what has been the real outcome of U.S. initiatives such as the CHIPS Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, and the $1.2 trillion infrastructure plan?
How many charging stations have been built? How many new railways, roads, and bridges have been constructed? What kind of impact has this had on the U.S. economy? How are the new chip factories progressing? What is the output of these new chip plants? How many computing power centers have been built in the U.S. using advanced computing chips? How many companies are applying large-scale models in ways that are truly creating value and driving productivity growth in the U.S.?
So do they have cameras in there or what
Decades of anticommunist propaganda, destruction of the careers of communists via McCarthyist red baiting, and in the worst instances outright murder of prominent leftists. Like if I went to a communist rally with my face uncovered and it got sent to my employer I would probably lose my job.
We’re talking about the democrats though, the “left” party with actual power, but the most radical among them are social democrats at best with most being centrist technocrats. There are genuine leftists and even left parties in the US but none with any power.
I’m going to write in Hillary it’s her turn
I would love to see this poll of Americans actually, if you could nuke any city, where would you pick
They would all get fired at Washington lol