hail emoji?
hail emoji?
and do you have one of those? Because form what I hear they beep when you’re being a good drive too and you end up being a worse (than good) driver trying not to get the beeps
Do you have a written summary of that? I hate watching videos, and the dark forest book was fun but without a clue I don’t understand the change to internet
You mean ‘native advertising’? that is something r/hailcorporate was pointing out for years, I wonder if it’s been banned yet
don’t be stupid.
Rate those places online to warn others. fucking hailCorporate nonsense
Did they even contribute any meaningful technology discoveries or anything in the field?
I disagree in the sense that I think voting is useful but just up/down is not. A consensus engine that can judge each aspect of a statement alone and in a group can be used to find what is misleading, dishonest, and the like as well as what is simply untrue or lies.
then we need something new and hot and flashy to communicate on. Why not make it a way to work together too? This sounds like a good idea, if you know of a good way to make this system then you’d have my vote