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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023


  • Welcome to late stage capitalism where the game’s made up and the points don’t matter.

    Privatize the profits and socialize the losses.

    I’ve tried to use “AI” to help me with minor programming tasks, or to start basic projects, it’s really bad. As in, it takes me more effort to fix the garbage it outputs than it would have to write it from scratch. In addition to that, it writes things badly in non-obvious ways. Junior engineers make similar mistakes to each other, because they’re working logically. “AI” makes weird mistakes because it’s not working in the same way a human mind does.

  • Let’s say that the ship is actually sinking, for arguments sake.

    There’s a whole bevy of rats swelling out of those fetid waters, the smart ones jumped ship some time ago, given that there are only two viable options in the United States, where do you suppose that they will go?

    How will that affect composition and policy of those that remain as The SS Trump slips below the murky waters?

  • The “normal” government machine is broken. Attempting to rely on long established norms as guardrails is not something that will turn out well. “The tables could be turned” is not an argument that applies to the current state of US politics.

    The Republican party literally told the Obama white house that they wouldn’t even hold a hearing for his supreme Court nominee (Garland March of 2016) “because the American people needed to weigh in since it was an election year.” Which many people properly identified as complete and utter bullshit.

    Then Republicans went from a nomination on September 29th, 2020, to a confirmation on October 26th, 2020, of Amy Coney Barret, who I’m sure is eminently qualified for the position.

    Less than a month.

    The Supreme Court is effectively meaningless as an institution attempting to maintain a facade of impartiality.

    The “system” as it once existed is gone now. Republicans have been waging a war on public institutions for decades and they’ve won. It’s over.

    Attempting to continue to play by the old rules doesn’t do anything but multiply the effectiveness of the grift.

  • I caught a junior trying to reimplement an existing feature, poorly, in a way that would have affected every other consumer of the software I’m a code owner on a week or two ago. There’s good reason to keep them around.

    PRs suck to do, but having a rotating team of owners helps, and linting + auto formatting helps with a lot of the ticky tacky stuff.

    Honestly, the worst part is “newGuy has requested your review on a PR you requested changes on but he hasn’t addressed” that’ll get you in the ignored pile real quick.

  • Ramsfugees are always welcome on the chiefs bandwagon. The overwhelming attitude was always fuck kroenke. I’m not a Missourian anymore but Midwestern rams fans always get a free pass to bandwagon wherever they want imo.

    If you’re looking for unique ownership, the Packers are probably the best example of that. I’ve always been jealous of their ownership model.

    I mean, obviously, unbridled capitalism is destroying everything because a “constant growth mindset” is just “cancer” with bonus words, but don’t let it steal your joy too.