Adkml [he/him]

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • Right but all those other things get shit down immediately, its just the harm reduction argument again.

    If the options are do nothing, elect the fascists who want to murder Trans people, or elect useless libs who aren’t actively calling for the execution of trams people seems like one of those options is preferable even if still shitty.

    So I guess I’d turn the question around, what are the better alternatives to shut this shit down at this point.

    Again not arguing that anybody should feel like voting for libs is gonna solve anything but if it means the people literally explicitly calling for violence against minorities have slightly less direct access to governmental power that seems like the least worst option available at this point.

  • Yea I’m basically at the point where I don’t think things will get better under a democrat but a lot of people far more vulnerable to fascists then me have talked about preferring to not have the president using them as a scapegoat everyday.

    Although as somebody who lives in the boonies all the chuds around me get way more fired up and antagonistic when there’s a dem president. There’s a shitload of flags telling me to go fuck myself on the way to work and the numbers increased in the last couple years.

    Although it has been interesting to take the temperature of your average chud by checking to see if the one trump/ DeSantis flag is still up.