Im too burnt out from work to offer anything much of real practical advise, but I just wanted to say you have value, I’m glad you are here and I was able to read your words today, and that you’re loved
I dislike AOC, shes too communist for my taste
Im too burnt out from work to offer anything much of real practical advise, but I just wanted to say you have value, I’m glad you are here and I was able to read your words today, and that you’re loved
Always was, since literally the moment of its creation, what?
what are these images pointing out?
Wow, really horrifying how you can see the spasms of violence since 2004 in the frequency bunching of these recognition dates. Like, you can tell shit went down in 2011 and 2024
Dude what the fuck, 0.5% of everyone in the UK is homeless!!!
I don’t get the jr sr part, is that referencing the age of the person in the comic or is it two people?
the tides stay in the same place relative to the moon and the earth spins below the tidal bulges (earth spins faster than the moon orbits, is the basic thing)
youre getting into arguments where you don’t know what the words mean, and then acting indignant when people point that out
I’m a trotskyist, you are wrong.
maybe we need a dunk comm thats just for elon, quarantine it lol