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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • turnip is turnip, just because he doesn’t exactly display the hallmarks of a previous person, doesn’t mean he’s not also a thing. he’s populist because he’s running an empty campaign with no actual plans. there’s nothing behind any of the things he’s promising, he’s just promising them because he thinks it can get him elected.

    I mean, he’s promised no income tax, tax breaks, no tax on tips, etc. none of it is backed by any policies, only, “trust me, it’s gonna be great”. when I talk populist, I mean specifically this sort of behavior, I don’t think for one second that he actually cares about enacting any of it short of doing things that will make people like him. I honestly believe that once the rubber meets the road, and he either does his mass deportations and the nation suddenly realizes why it’s a terrible idea or he doesn’t because it’s such a stupid idea and his mouthbreathing supporters turn on him. repeat ad nauseam for any of the other insane things that he’s promising.

    the same argument can be made that he’s not a fascist, he’s not doing exactly the same things as previous fascist regimes right?

    so we may be getting hung up on semantics here, I’m not always the best with smart brain words.

  • well, I didn’t say there would be a civil war. I can’t say I can forsee all the mechanics but as far as I’m concerned, there is a slow motion coup happening now. do you think for one second that they won’t try to do everything possible to rig things in their favor, do you think for one second that they are not already trying?

    In the end, a populist agenda like he’s running, where he will say and promise anything to anyone, simply cannot be worked. his base isn’t even a majority but the stupid system we have will let minority rule. so, I simply do not believe enough americans will fall in line, his obstinate supporters aren’t capable enough of holding the system together. I wish I knew what the fate would be, I just don’t see a good one.

    Again, I am 100% hoping that I’m full of shit, that I’m deranged and paranoid. I honestly hope this is a me problem.

  • right, I imagine the job will be finished. I mean, they always want a government so small as to drown it in a bathtub, but in reality they just want all the control. I just cannot imagine that turnip can hold togethether the coalition he’s trying to build and a populist agenda is unworkable in practice. So I think at least a north/south divide will happen, but we’re so fractured and fragmented that I could see additional pockets breaking off if that happens.

    I do not have a detailed map for how it happens, I just think he’s polarizing enough, and looking to change enough that we will not have a recognizable country.

    I sincerely hope that I am just overly paranoid and falling vicitm to a derangement syndrome but given how it went, how it ended, and expecially considering the rhetoric coming out of the campaign, I have little.

  • I’ve never said why you should or should not vote, you are free to do as you will. All I’m saying is that I cannot morally support anyone who is running. You can, done, but they are all collectively running on platforms I cannot morally support because I see them all as part of the same problem.

    So we’re in a situation where we have a fundamental agreement on the issues but a fundamental disagreement about the solutions. Your name calling has not yet convinced me that I’m wrong.

    Edit- I want to elaborate a little about why I’m taking the position I am. I believe the dems are part of the problem that led us here, I believe they dangle these wedge issues out there for reasons you are illustrating. Yes, I agree with the words that they say, but the actions they take (or more often don’t) no longer make me believe they are out for us. I think our side is just as captured by a corrupt party, just one with a different marketing department. You think the vote will make the difference, I’m saying, those same arguments, for those same issues, have been made for my entire life and they have not fundamentally changed. There are minor, small wins but in reality the ONLY consistent winners are the American equivalent of the oligarchs. I’m at the point where I actively believe they are doing it all on purpose, another side of the same coin so to speak.

    So I’m checking out. You do you.

  • Again, I’m sorry this country hates you. I agree that minorities are facing a horrible situation. The difference between you and I is that I no longer believe voting for Biden, or the orange asshole, or the lunatic will fundamentally change the direction of the country. I can and will continue to support LGBTQ and other minority group policies and programs and people but again, I do not believe my vote will do anything for those causes. I am fundamentally against supporting any of them. I have a choice of evil, evil or evil. Instead I’m choosing to bow out.

  • this same argument has been made in every election of my life. I agree, and I’m sorry this this stupid country has it out for all minorities but I no longer have faith that scribbling in a little circle every 4 years is the medicine we need.

    Years of at least some progress on progressive policies? The minimum wage? Social Security? Democracy itself?

    update- minimum wage is lower, adjusted for inflation, than it was when I was a kid. I do not believe that I will receive any of the social security I’ve paid in and the age for it has been increased. I do not believe this democracy functions anymore.

    the night turnip was elected was the final nail in the coffin for us. everything since has been death throws of a nation.

  • I mean, the fact that incrementalism has once again led us to a situation where we’ve got no choice but to desperately save democracy yet again, hasn’t made you wonder…

    We’re in a situation where a literal cartoon villain (see Bloom County) who’s also a 34 time convicted felon, is within a hair of becoming president. In a functional society this would be too ridiculous for even a movie plot. But instead we’ve got Joe, happily cheerleading another genocidal war, alienating his base and the future base of the Democratic Party. Why do I prefer him again?

    I started this cycle in the same mindset you are in. I just can no longer give my support to any of the horror shows that we have to choose from. I don’t think things will improve under Biden, I do think they will be worse under turnip but I also believe that if we elect him, we absolutely deserve what’s coming.

    Maybe I’ve been listening to RATM too much lately but I just will not lift a finger to support this evil empire.