• TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Yeah I can see why Sanders wouldn’t back this. It’s a group of people who won’t vote for Biden at the general election and are single issue voters. You also wouldn’t want to use a low primary vote if you thought it would hurt the general election as well by displaying they are unpopular. Beating Trump is more important than a symbolic vote since Trump will be magnitudes worse for Palestinians than Biden.

    What on gods green earth makes you think that our revolution voters wouldn’t vote Biden in the general, apart from the fact that Biden is directly and unquestionably supporting the genocide of the Palestinian people?

    Candidates need to work to earn your support, and these weak ass primaries are pretty much the only way we have of engaging with the system. This is when you have the chance to do something.

    I’ve been a supporter of both Bernie and our revolution since their inception. This is an opportunity Bernie is missing to call Biden out on his shit foreign policy (policies that Bernie has been singular in ressisting in congress) and get Biden back on track to no completely fucking up and losing this election (which is what is happening). Bernie could have taken the bully pulpit and fixed a major aspect of Bidens foreign policy that is currently losing him the 24’ election.

    Bernie goofed here.