• VikingHippie@lemmy.wtf
    10 months ago

    You catch more flies with honey than vinegar

    That’s not always true. Like the literal case linked, politicians dragging their feet is one of the exceptions to the rule that positive reinforcement works better than loudly stating that you’re not satisfied and why you’re not satisfied.

    Or how about if I get your thoughts on how to rear a child

    Politicians aren’t children and shouldn’t be coddled as if they were.

    Encouragement, support, and excitement do more to inspire change than any amount of complaints.

    Again, politics is an exception. A politician who is informed of a problem or the inadequacy of their solutions will perform better than one who receives praise and adulation every time they affect a tiny fraction of the positive change within their power.

    Incrementalism is the only bloodless a truly feckless way to achieve true extremely limited progress

    Fixed that for you. Here’s what Martin Luther King thought of your Incrementalism:

    • a lil bee 🐝@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Haha, I do like the study on actual flies. That’s fun. I still think the analogy holds true for human behavior. I hope it should be obvious I’m not condoning never taking anyone to task when it’s deserved, politician or otherwise. I think making it the core of your political movement is complete folly though.

      I obviously recognize that politicians are not children. That’s not how analogies work. I also think embracing celebration of wins instead of immediately scolding for not going far enough is not “coddling”, either in the case of children or politicians. I think viewing it as such is part of the problem.

      I disagree that MLK Jr was referring to Incrementalism explicitly there, but regardless, I’m not a big fan of pulling out political “saints” to make a point. If you think my underlying point is that we should embrace tradition and stability over all progress, I think that’s an unfair assumption based on what I’ve written here. But do I want my country and society to improve without us all killing each other or breaking every rule that gets in the way of our view? Yeah, I think that’s true for me. And I don’t see anything that MLK advocated for, in ends or means, that disagreed with that notion.

      So yeah, I want congress to legalize weed. Hell, I smoke daily and have bought my weed illegally in sketchy parking lots. But I’m going to celebrate this, because some good people who did nothing wrong get to celebrate Christmas at home.

    • jimbo@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Did MLK ever say something like “we’re getting what we wanted but we’re going to bitch about it anyway”?

    • blazeknave@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Stop. This isn’t coherent. The MLK quote is irrelevant and out of context. Moderate support by a human, has no parallel to a weak law. They’re different concepts.