More than 200 Substack authors asked the platform to explain why itā€™s ā€œplatforming and monetizing Nazis,ā€ and now they have an answer straight from co-founder Hamish McKenzie:

I just want to make it clear that we donā€™t like Nazis eitherā€”we wish no-one held those views. But some people do hold those and other extreme views. Given that, we donā€™t think that censorship (including through demonetizing publications) makes the problem go awayā€”in fact, it makes it worse.

While McKenzie offers no evidence to back these ideas, this tracks with the companyā€™s previous stance on taking a hands-off approach to moderation. In April, Substack CEO Chris Best appeared on the Decoder podcast and refused to answer moderation questions. ā€œWeā€™re not going to get into specific ā€˜would you or wonā€™t youā€™ content moderation questionsā€ over the issue of overt racism being published on the platform, Best said. McKenzie followed up later with a similar statement to the one today, saying ā€œwe donā€™t like or condone bigotry in any form.ā€

    10 months ago

    Thank you for the detailed response.

    Notably though, I think Substack should also be free to not ban Nazis, and no one should give them shit for it.

    Substack can host nazis given the legal framework in the US. But why shouldnā€™t I speak up about their platforming of evil? Substack can do what they want, and I can tell them to fuck off. I can tell people who do business with them that I donā€™t approve, and Iā€™m not going to do business with them while theyā€™re engaged with this nazi loving platform. Thatā€™s just regular old freedom of speech and association.

    Their speech is not more important than mine. There is no obligation for me to sit in silence when someone else is saying horrible things.

    It feels like youā€™re arguing for free speech for the platform, but restricted speech for the audience. The platform is free to pick who can post there, but you donā€™t want the audience to speak back.

    Let me say it this way: If what youā€™re doing or saying would be illegal, even if you werenā€™t a Nazi, it should be illegal. [ā€¦] I realize there can be a good faith difference of opinion on that, but you asked me what I thought; thatā€™s what I think. If itā€™s illegal to wear a Nazi uniform, or platforms kick you off for wearing one, then it can be illegal to wear a BLM shirt, and platforms can kick you off for saying #blacklivesmatter. Neither is acceptable. To me.

    Youā€™re conflating laws and government with private stuff. The bulk of this conversation is about what can private organizations do to moderate their platforms. Legality is only tangentially related. (Also it doesnā€™t necessarily follow that banning nazi uniforms would ban BLM t-shirts. Germany has some heavy bans on nazi imagery and to my knowledge have not slid enthusiastically down that slope)

    A web forum I used to frequent banned pro-trump and pro-ice posts. The world didnā€™t end. They didnā€™t ban BLM. It helps that it was a forum run by people, and not an inscrutable god-machine or malicious genie running the place.

    Iā€™m also not sure I understood your answer to my question. Is there a line other than ā€œtechnically legalā€ that you donā€™t want crossed? Is the law actually a good arbiter?

    Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter have been trying to take responsibility for antivax stuff and election denialism for years now, and banned it in some cases and tried to limit its reach with simple blacklisting. Has that approach worked?

    I donā€™t think theyā€™ve actually been trying very hard. They make a lot of money by not doing much. Googleā€™s also internally incompetent (see: their many, many, canceled projects), Facebook is evil (see: that time they tried to make people sad to see if they could), and twitter has always had a childā€™s understanding of free speech.

    I do think responsibility by the platforms is an important thing. I talked about that in terms of combatting organized disinformation, which is usually a lot more sophisticated and a lot more subtle than Nazi newsletters. I just donā€™t think banning the content is a good answer. Also, I suspect that the same people who want the Nazis off Substack also want lots of other non-Nazi content to be ā€œforbiddenā€ in the same way that, e.g. Dave Chappelle or Joe Rogan should be ā€œforbiddenā€ from their chosen platforms. Maybe Iā€™m wrong about that, but thatā€™s part of why I make a big deal about the Nazi content.

    A related problem here is probably the consolidation of platforms. Twitter and Facebook as so big that banning someone from it is a bigger deal than it probably should be. But they are free to move to a more permissive platform if their content is getting them kicked out of popular places. Weā€™re not talking about a nationwide, government backed-by-force content ban.

    Iā€™m not sure what to do about coordinated disinformation. Platforms banning or refusing to host some of it is probably one part of the remedy, though.

    • mo_ztt āœ…
      10 months ago

      Substack can host nazis given the legal framework in the US. But why shouldnā€™t I speak up about their platforming of evil?

      Oh, yeah, you can say whatever you like.

      I think youā€™re right that I was a little fuzzy when I talked about things that were illegal versus things I personally donā€™t like, yeah. You should obviously be able (legally and what-I-think-is-right wise) to say anything you like about Substack. And, they are legally able to do whatever they want with their servers, whether that involves allowing or banning or demonetizing Nazis or whatever. Most of my conversation was about what I think they should do with their servers, but itā€™s just my opinion. And yes I think you should be able to state your opinion and I should be able to disagree with it and all that.

      You asked before what I meant about the ā€œspiritā€ of the first amendment. What I meant was, thereā€™s a specific purpose why it was enshrined into law, and the same principles that led to that legal framework also produce some implications for how the operator of a communication network ā€œshouldā€ treat that network, in my opinion, especially as it grows to the size of something like Facebook and starts to wield power similar to a government in terms of deciding how people should be able to communicate with each other. But yes, this is all just what I feel about it, and youā€™re free to disagree or say fuck Substack or organize a boycott or whatever you like.

      Once it gets into, we need to pressure their advertisers and try to force them to run their servers in a more Nazi-hostile way, I really donā€™t like that. It is legal, yes. But itā€™s coercive. Itā€™s like a high-pressure salesman or a slimy romantic partner. All perfectly legal things. But I think thatā€™s crossing a whole new line into something bad, much worse than Substack just doing something with their moderation I personally think they shouldnā€™t be doing.

      A web forum I used to frequent banned pro-trump and pro-ice posts. The world didnā€™t end. They didnā€™t ban BLM. It helps that it was a forum run by people, and not an inscrutable god-machine or malicious genie running the place.

      Sure. So, I actually donā€™t like that type of thing (although it is, of course, legal, and Iā€™d defend the rights of those forum operators to do it if they chose). I got banned from a few different subreddits, both left and right wing which was funny to me, because people didnā€™t like what I said. Thatā€™s, honestly, pretty infuriating. Iā€™ve also talked with conservative people who got suspended temporarily from Facebook, or had their posts taken down because they were antivax or whatever. Did I agree with those posts? Absolutely not, and I argued with them about it. Do I agree they should have had their posts removed? No. I started out thinking that yes, removing the posts is fine, and told them that more or less Facebook could do whatever they wanted because it was their network, but after having the argument a certain number of times I started to sympathize a lot more with the point of view of ā€œdude fuck you, Iā€™m a human being, just let me say what I want to say.ā€ I donā€™t think that simple removal of the post, or chasing people off the ā€œmainā€ shared network completely, and onto a Nazis-only network like Truth Social, is the answer. Iā€™ll say this, it definitely didnā€™t make them less antivax when that happened, or make it at all difficult for them to find antivax propaganda.

      Thatā€™s different from actual Nazi posts, of course. Just saying some of my experience with this. I actually donā€™t like a lot of culture thatā€™s developing now because it is starting to become this sort of monoculture, where only a particular variety of views are allowed. Like it really irks me that pro-police or conservative viewpoints get shit on so relentlessly that it basically chases those people away. I liked that reddit had both /r/protectandserve and /r/badcopnodonut. Itā€™s fine. Let people talk, and donā€™t start yelling at them that they have the ā€œwrongā€ view (although of course you can always tell them why you think theyā€™re wrong). I have plenty of ā€œwrongā€ views from the POV of the Lemmy hivemind, so maybe Iā€™m more invested in it as an issue because of that.

      Iā€™m also not sure I understood your answer to my question. Is there a line other than ā€œtechnically legalā€ that you donā€™t want crossed? Is the law actually a good arbiter?

      Fair question. I mean, at the end of the day each server operator can do what they like. Some people will say that Nazis or MAGA people are so frequently trolls that they just donā€™t want to deal with them. Some people donā€™t want porn. Some people want to run a forum thatā€™s explicitly pro-conservative and just get tired of left-wing people coming in and jeering at them. All those things sound fine to me (what-I-like wise as well as legally). I donā€™t think itā€™s my business to tell people where to draw that type of line.

      To me, though, that principle ā€œI may not agree with what you say, but Iā€™ll defend to the death your right to say itā€ is super important. If you start saying only certain viewpoints are welcome, and dismiss the others not with open debate but with loud jeering or technical restrictions, it hurts the discourse on your server. Of course youā€™re legally allowed to restrict peopleā€™s access however you like. But to me, I would draw the line by disallowing illegal things or things that hurt the discourse (because of trolling or brigading or deceptive bot posts or whatever). But if someoneā€™s just coming in and saying something you think is absolutely dead wrong (e.g. that the holocaust didnā€™t happen), I donā€™t think itā€™s your place to remove or ban them. I think you should allow that.

      Does that better answer the question? Thatā€™s just my take on it. Iā€™ve never been a modern Lemmy-instance operator, so maybe seeing it first hand and dealing with child porn from angry MAGA people or bomb threats from Nazis and things like that would make me less sympathetic.

      I donā€™t think theyā€™ve actually been trying very hard. They make a lot of money by not doing much. Googleā€™s also internally incompetent (see: their many, many, canceled projects), Facebook is evil (see: that time they tried to make people sad to see if they could), and twitter has always had a childā€™s understanding of free speech.

      I can only say what Iā€™ve observed in terms of restrictions on Facebook posts from people I know, or Youtube creators I know who got demonetized or otherwise chased off Youtube. All of that, I think sucks. I agree, itā€™s kind of heavy-handed and brainless the way theyā€™re doing it. I think thatā€™s an additional issue in addition to the fact of censoring the ability of people to post being the wrong approach in the first place.

      I think one of the core issues is that a huge for-profit company running a huge content network, where they donā€™t have bandwidth to put much attention into moderation and where most of the architecture of the network is designed to extract revenue from it, is just wrong from start to finish. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m here right now as opposed to Facebook or wherever. When I talk about free speech issues Iā€™m mostly talking about it in terms of things like Lemmy or Substack. But yeah, maybe youā€™re right that issues of profit motive and moderation bandwidth mean that we canā€™t draw much of any conclusion by looking at how things played out on the big networks.

        10 months ago

        Thank you for your detailed reply, again.

        But yes, this is all just what I feel about it, and youā€™re free to disagree or say fuck Substack or organize a boycott or whatever you like. Ok butā€¦

        Once it gets into, we need to pressure their advertisers and try to force them to run their servers in a more Nazi-hostile way, I really donā€™t like that. It is legal, yes. But itā€™s coercive. Itā€™s like a high-pressure salesman or a slimy romantic partner. All perfectly legal things. But I think thatā€™s crossing a whole new line into something bad, much worse than Substack just doing something with their moderation I personally think they shouldnā€™t be doing.

        Why do you find people using their limited economic power coercive? You say you like boycotts. Telling Tide that you saw their advertisement on a nazi blog so youā€™re not going to buy Tide until thatā€™s remedied is a boycott.

        I donā€™t think that simple removal of the post, or chasing people off the ā€œmainā€ shared network completely, and onto a Nazis-only network like Truth Social, is the answer. Iā€™ll say this, it definitely didnā€™t make them less antivax when that happened, or make it at all difficult for them to find antivax propaganda.

        You also have to account for the audience. While that person may have gotten mad and gone off to a right extremist website, removing their ā€œHolocaust is a lie check out these posts [nazi propaganda link 1, 2, 3]ā€ post up is a hazard. Many more people read forums than contribute, typically.

        If you start saying only certain viewpoints are welcome, and dismiss the others not with open debate but with loud jeering or technical restrictions, it hurts the discourse on your server

        There are some points of view that are so hashed out, it is unlikely to be worth our time to debate them again. Nazi ideology, for example, was pretty firmly settled as bad. The forum I mentioned before had a clear ā€œWe are not going to debate if gay people have rightsā€ rule. Someone might want to make an argument that they donā€™t, but the belief that they do is so axiomatic for the locale itā€™s not worth entertaining the ā€œdebateā€. I do not think it hurts the discourse on your server to disallow some topics like that. I say this with the assumption that the people running the forum are human, and itā€™s not a shitty algorithm trying to parse it, or some underpaid intern who barely speaks the language. There is a hypothetical bad case where an imaginary server prescribes the exact beliefs that are OK and enforces that with moderation powers, but thatā€™s spherical friction-less cow levels removed from my lived experience. Maybe Iā€™ve just been lucky where Iā€™ve spent time on the internet. But also, if a forum sucks you can usually just leave. (Another argument for why the megalith sites like facebook and twitter arenā€™t great.)

        But if someoneā€™s just coming in and saying something you think is absolutely dead wrong (e.g. that the holocaust didnā€™t happen), I donā€™t think itā€™s your place to remove or ban them. I think you should allow that.

        So we disagree on this point. I donā€™t see any good coming from platforming holocaust deniers or homophobes or whatever. If Iā€™m running a bar, I donā€™t need to let the nazis have their meetup in the back booth. Thatā€™s just going to draw more nazis, and probably scare off the regular people. Likewise, if Iā€™m running a forum, I donā€™t need to let them have their little soapbox in my figurative bar.

        maybe seeing it first hand and dealing with child porn from angry MAGA people or bomb threats from Nazis and things like that would make me less sympathetic.

        Iā€™ve also never run a forum. I expect thereā€™s a big ā€œfor me it was tuesdayā€ experience. For the guy who wants to debate if queer couples really need to get married, itā€™s the first time heā€™s ever waded into this topic. For the moderation team, itā€™s tuesday, and the fourth time this has come up this week. I expect dealing with the worst sorts of people would take the shine off anyoneā€™s idealism.

        This sub-thread is very long and Iā€™m starting to lose focus. I donā€™t think we agree on everything, but I appreciate that youā€™ve been civil.

        • mo_ztt āœ…
          10 months ago

          This sub-thread is very long and Iā€™m starting to lose focus. I donā€™t think we agree on everything, but I appreciate that youā€™ve been civil.

          Haha yeah, all good. I enjoyed it, thank you as well. Iā€™ll wrap up my thoughts if you donā€™t want to go back and forth indefinitely.

          Why do you find people using their limited economic power coercive? You say you like boycotts. Telling Tide that you saw their advertisement on a nazi blog so youā€™re not going to buy Tide until thatā€™s remedied is a boycott.

          It comes down to the goal of the boycott. A boycott to stop someone polluting or abusing human rights, Iā€™m down for. A boycott because some comedian said something someone doesnā€™t like and they want to ā€œdeplatformā€ him, Iā€™m against. A boycott because Substack allows Nazis, and youā€™re trying to get third parties to punish Substack to make them stop, I also donā€™t like.

          Somewhat related, I think itā€™s great to attack Nazis directly. Something like this where youā€™re crippling them because they broke the law and hurt people, Iā€™m very in favor of. I donā€™t like Nazis any more than anyone else does. I just think it has to be based on behavior rather than speech. Letting them speak, but not letting them hurt people, I think is going to hinder their cause a lot more than it helps it.

          their ā€œHolocaust is a lie check out these posts [nazi propaganda link 1, 2, 3]ā€ post up is a hazard

          Okay, hereā€™s the crux:

          I donā€™t think that post is a hazard.

          I think having an exchange of ideas which includes dangerous ones, even very dangerous ones, alongside the truth, is a good thing. I think trying to get rid of ā€œdangerousā€ ideas by banning people from talking about them does more harm than good. I think declaring that no one is allowed to say the holocaust is a lie is a hazard. I think it helps the Nazis to make that rule. I think the people who want to ban Nazis are, unintentionally, helping the Nazis quite a lot. People are talking to me in this subthread like Iā€™m being soft on the Nazis and Nazis are terrible, but I think letting them say what they think, having everyone see it, and having other people free to illustrate why theyā€™re wrong, is way harder on the Nazis than forcing them off somewhere where they can congregate in peace and no one can see them.

          You might not agree, but thatā€™s how I see it.

          There are some points of view that are so hashed out, it is unlikely to be worth our time to debate them again. Nazi ideology, for example, was pretty firmly settled as bad. The forum I mentioned before had a clear ā€œWe are not going to debate if gay people have rightsā€ rule. Someone might want to make an argument that they donā€™t, but the belief that they do is so axiomatic for the locale itā€™s not worth entertaining the ā€œdebateā€.

          So we disagree on this point. I donā€™t see any good coming from platforming holocaust deniers or homophobes or whatever. If Iā€™m running a bar, I donā€™t need to let the nazis have their meetup in the back booth.

          Iā€™ve also never run a forum. I expect thereā€™s a big ā€œfor me it was tuesdayā€ experience. For the guy who wants to debate if queer couples really need to get married, itā€™s the first time heā€™s ever waded into this topic. For the moderation team, itā€™s tuesday, and the fourth time this has come up this week. I expect dealing with the worst sorts of people would take the shine off anyoneā€™s idealism.

          Yeah, I get this. I wouldnā€™t try to tell anyone running a forum that they have to entertain this type of debate, because itā€™s incredibly draining and may not fit the goal of the forum and may obscure the actual goal of the forum. I get all that and I wouldnā€™t try to tell you to run your forum any other way.

          The thing is though, that ā€œfor me it was Tuesdayā€ thing cuts both ways. You may have had this discussion a thousand times already, but for the guy that came in, it may be his very first time being exposed to certain things. I think a lot of religious people have this type of experience when they start talking with athiest people on the internet, and they may be coming from a pretty ignorant place when they start out. I had this type of experience as far as geopolitics and who the ā€œgood guysā€ are. And, Iā€™ve heard a former white supremacist talking about having his awakening moment and leaving the KKK because of it.

          The ā€œtalk.originsā€ newgroup on Usenet was this. It was a place to debate evolution versus creationism. Is that a pretty firmly settled question? Yes. Absolutely it is. Honestly, more so than gay rights (although gay rights is also settled, to me.) And yet, somehow, there are people in the world who donā€™t agree. A lot of them argue in bad faith, a lot of them are tedious or ignorant, thereā€™s a ton of ground that gets covered over and over and over again. But is that a useful thing to have exist? Ab so fuckin lutely.

          Does that mean that every 4chan troll arguing about the holocaust in bad faith, whoā€™s never going to change his mind, deserves your time and attention? On a forum thatā€™s not for that? Fuck no. I actually think that deliberate engineered misinformation, and the toxic and mind-change-resistant culture of debate on the modern internet, argues for a radical rethinking of whatā€™s a sensible way to approach ā€œan open exchange of communicationā€ so that it doesnā€™t wind up as just the Nazis being able to spew hatred in places it doesnā€™t belong, and public forums being soft fertile ground for disinformation pipelines. Iā€™ve also debated with enough closed minded people on the internet that Iā€™m not naive about what the result of engaging with Nazis in an earnest debate is likely to be. But, a lot of the creationists on were just as bad-faith about their conduct as modern 4chan trolls.

          Hopefully that makes sense. I just donā€™t think that the answer is that as soon as someone says one ignorant thing about, for example, gay rights, theyā€™re stripped of their ability to continue the conversation. Because if no one is ever willing to talk with them about it except other gay-bashers, how would you expect they would ever change their mind about it?