Douglass Mackey, the social media influencer known as “Ricky Vaughn,” was sentenced Wednesday to seven months in prison for falsely assuring supporters of Hillary Clinton they could cast their vote in the 2016 presidential election through text messages or social media posts.

Mackey was prosecuted under the Ku Klux Klan Act that was enacted during the Reconstruction era in response to efforts by the KKK to prevent recently emancepated Blacks from voting.

Mackey was 26 years old in 2015 when he began posting on Twitter under the pseudonym “Ricky Vaughn,” amassing 51,000 followers on Twitter and ranking among the “most influential voices” posting about the 2016 presidential election, according to a list compiled by M.I.T.

Federal prosecutors in New York said Mackey was intent on originating hashtags designed to “cause as much chaos as possible” by creating “controversy … for the sole purpose of disparaging Hillary Clinton.”

At 5:30 p.m. on Nov. 1, 2016, Mackey published the first tweet that falsely announced that people could register their vote by texting on their phones, according to trial testimony. Additional tweets followed.

    11 months ago

    This is insane. He was trolling idiots. Even if their your idiots, even if he disgusts you, wait until the next GOP administration goes after the leftist trolls who also posted similar stuff, or even much more beign posts.

    The bar is set, and it will only go lower. This will not end with the only the suffering of those you dislike.

    This is a bad, really really bad, precedent to be set.

    Can’t wait for all of your outrage posts when @randygdub is sent to Gitmo by President Boebert.

      11 months ago

      Nah, there’s some things you can’t joke about, misinformation around voting is one of them.