Forcing people to type in a command line unironically alienates your userbase, the average user logs in and then opens Netflix/youtube/social media. If it can’t be done with mouse and keyboard then it can’t be done by most users.
It’s crazy that elitism is still holding this community back decades later. Nobody thinks you’re cool for typing in terminal, this isn’t the matrix it’s been 30 years.
This kind of shit is the reason Windows is still way more popular
They forced him to type sudo apt update
Forcing people to type in a command line unironically alienates your userbase, the average user logs in and then opens Netflix/youtube/social media. If it can’t be done with mouse and keyboard then it can’t be done by most users.
It’s crazy that elitism is still holding this community back decades later. Nobody thinks you’re cool for typing in terminal, this isn’t the matrix it’s been 30 years.
This kind of shit is the reason Windows is still way more popular