I’m now a pro magic the gathering player! Never thought I’d ascend to such heights, I’m terrible at magic lol
weirdly I’m still a Linux administrator but with way more fun services to maintain.
Can I ask how you got a job as a Linux administrator?
Easy, you mention you want to use BSD and the other IT guys give you that look.
Huh, I now get paid to waste time staring at the internet. Neat, I guess?
As an Uber driver, I do everything I can to put people at ease. I end up in many deep, heartfelt conversations with my passengers. I introduce people to new music, and spread information about homeless assistance programs and other resources around the Denver area.
Uber is the platform from which I do my work as a community supporter.
I do Uber my own way, according to my vision. I am an Uber Mensch.
Professional slanderer of programming languages.
I’ve spent more time than I care to admit
Hate the player not the game.
Coffee taster…
Second this, other than Starbucks, coffee is pretty crappy. Any places worth checking out will be highly appreciated
I drink homemade mixes, Starbucks it’s good also, check out YouTube for different kinds of homemade mixes there are some which taste pretty good made with instant coffee.
Christ on a bike I wouldn’t take coffee advice from either of yous two loons
I don’t get it. Why do people like Starbucks? To me it’s bitter and granular. Compared to a Nero which is smooth and sweet.
Yet, many avid coffee drinkers I know love the taste of Starbucks. Is it a genetic thing?
i’m from melbourne, australia which is one of the best places in the world for coffee… when i go to the US i try to find good coffee but our version of good tends to be VERY different
US good is a dark roast - which i find very bitter… australian coffee (and melbourne in particular) is quite a light roast, which is more acidic but less bitter
i find most good coffee in the US to be pretty undrinkable (this probably comes down to choice of preparations: black drip is pretty weak; espresso starts out strong), but a starbucks blonde is… inoffensive (note with relation to your comment: a light roast is probably what you’re talking about; especially a light double ristretto… a ristretto is a half shot, twice… the bitterness from coffee comes at the end of the shot, so nero is perhaps a light roast double ristretto… you also tend to get most of the caffeine in the first half i think? so it’s more caffeine if that worries you)
so when i’m in a rush and really just want to not hate what im putting in me, ill find a starbucks not because its good, but because its fucking hard work to find a good coffee that’s also my taste - my usual cues for a cafe just don’t work in the US, and there’s no a fantastic cafe on literally every corner so the choice is even harder