It feels dirty to agree with an ISP on something. But even the worst corporations are on the right side of something from time to time I suppose.

    7 months ago

    I work for Spectrum. I cannot officially speak for the company, of course, but…We don’t want to be doing this shit, either. We give people 12 strikes. First 4 I just a notice, next 4 is modem quarantine until notice is acknowledged, next 4 we also sent snail mail, with the last one being a 1 year suspension. Anyway, I worked in repair for 5 years. Not a single person at any level gave a crap. Sups, managers, VP’s. “We give them 11 chances to figure out they should use a VPN” was the common attitude. All these warnings and man-hours taking calls and dealing with unblocking modems is a waste of time and money.

      7 months ago

      I’m going to have to slightly disagree with you here. Yes I know, I’m disagreeing with someone who actually works with the company. Based on pirate experience that I’ve noted over the years on Reddit’s piracy subreddit, what I’ve read on TorrentFreak for the first 9 or so years I’ve been reading it off and on and vice versa. Spectrum falls under the category of an ISP to be wary of.

      I was going to say that Time Warner also owned them, however, it’s actually the opposite. And now I’m knowing that Time Warner Cable isn’t really much of a thing anymore. But before it’s demise, pirates had been wary of it’s existence because of Time Warner’s relentlessness of targeting piracy.

      I’m going to guess that maybe the reason you’re saying all of these warnings is probably because there having been that shift in control. But I do recall that Charter/TW was not to be trifled with.