At the pride parade in Washington, D.C., earlier this month, accounting giant Deloitte promoted its support of the LGBTQ community: In June 2023, Deloitte produced a report on "LGBT+ Inclusion @ Work." In a letter accompanying the report, Emma Codd, the company's Global Chief Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Officer, said she hoped it would enable organizations "to take the necessary steps to turn positive messaging on LGBT+ inclusion into concrete actions."
Why is it legal for them to donate money to policymakers? I don’t understand how we just allow lobbying like this. It is a root of corruption! It overrides the will of the people through buying an politicians vote on an issue.
because citizens united allows for corporate personhood, giving them all the benefits of citizenry, with none of the obligations.
I remember them saying it was the death of democracy. I remember saying 2010 was the last real election. And then before we knew it, dark money super PAC hell. This court hasn’t been legitimate in a long time.
money = speech
The people in charge of whether they can be bribed are the same people receiving the bribes. The accountability of politicians under elections to prevent this behavior depends on a well informed and educated electorate which the wealth class has undermined for decades.
Because our politicians are bought and corrupted by corporate money, so getting them to repeal Citzens United is going to be very difficult.