• dhork@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    If you’ve followed the trial that closely, then you know that first-time offenders are not always given jail time for this. And in spite of the large number of individual counts, the prosecution is basing their case on only a few actions. The judge may order some charges served concurrently if they are tied to the same action. If he is found guilty on all counts, then if he goes to jail at all it will likely only be for a short term.

    And while politics is not supposed to factor into sentencing at all, from a political point of view a short sentence is the worst possible outcome for people who don’t want to see the US turn into a fascist state. Because it means that Trump can play the Martyr card, and convince his fans that Biden is out to get him, in spite of the facts.

    I have a bad feeling about this.