• OpenStars@discuss.online
    5 months ago

    I love that phrase!

    But it’s become deeper than that lately. Like, even if vaccines did have a risk of harm, so too does the disease it is meant to protect against - and like, the risk of harm from a horrific disease such as Polio would vastly outweigh a small risk of even actual, full-on, literal death from taking the vaccine. It’s a cost-to-benefit trade-off.

    On the other hand, conservatives not only made it a point of pride to not wear masks themselves, but they went so far as to work to prevent people form putting masks onto their own faces - what happened to the “freedom” aspect there? Nobody is that dumb, as to think that having flunked out of high school, they now “know better” than PhD+MD scientists with literally decades of experience doing world-class research at top-tier institutions.

    It’s so far beyond “alternative facts” these days - even they know they’re lying (e.g., about all of Trump’s many trials), but at this point they simply do not seem to care. Trump “tells it like it is” (no he doesn’t), that’s it and that’s all, no questions (allowed to be) asked.