If you are keeping score at home, you have surely noticed that the two most important defense officials in Benjamin Netanyahu’s war cabinet — Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and the former military chief of staff Benny Gantz — warned last week that Netanyahu is leading Israel into a disastrous abyss by refusing to present any plan for non-Hamas Palestinians to govern Gaza and appears to be contemplating a long-term Israeli military occupation of Gaza instead. Gantz said he would leave the government if there was no plan by June 8.


“Netanyahu’s acquiescence to the extreme right, Smotrich and Ben-Gvir, has generally been seen as motivated out of his need to keep his coalition together and himself out of jail,” Friedman told me. “Now it seems that he has willingly sold his soul to the extreme right. One explanation is that the extreme religious right projects a Messianic image onto him that corresponds with his own sense of having been called to save Israel and the Jewish people. He has a plan for the day after and it’s very clear to anyone who listens: ‘Total victory’ — and eventually the return of Jewish settlement there. Israel is on the way to reoccupying Gaza.”

If that happens, Israel will become an international pariah and Jewish institutions everywhere will be torn between Jews who will feel the need to defend Israel — right or wrong — and those who, with their kids, will find it indefensible.

  • Krauerking@lemy.lol
    5 months ago

    The more I learn about this timeline, the darker our future becomes.

    Oh man that’s a statement that just barely scratches the surface.

    As someone that has bounced around from politics, to advanced earth sciences, to the arts and now just keeps learning new things because I can’t help it… Yeah, things aren’t looking so good.

    Humans will prevail and all that but we are slamming head first into a wall of spikes that is going to be and already is starting to be a giant crushing destructionary force for all of what we think of as normal.

    Everyone hates the people calling for change when they feel comfortable where it is but if you are calling for change to go backwards to when you felt even more comfortable somehow that always wins, and we go barreling towards fascism from it.

    Come senators, congressmen, please heed the call
    Don’t stand in the doorway, don’t block up the hall
    For he that gets hurt will be he who has stalled
    The battle outside ragin’
    Will soon shake your windows and rattle your walls
    For the times, they are a-changin’