Couldnt’a happened to a nicer hovel-ship of wild-eyed spit-frothed tin-foil-hatted hate-sowing conspiracist shit gibbons…. May all memory of their molding entrails fuse with Andrew Breitbart’s in the subterranean oubliette of America’s spastic attention span.
Oh yeah, they felt that, I reckon, and they’ll keep feelin it too. Not often you encounter such distinguished swearers out in the wild west. Now if you’ll 'scuse me, I got myself a tense shootout unfolding like a poker game over here, hope you don’t mind.
Couldnt’a happened to a nicer hovel-ship of wild-eyed spit-frothed tin-foil-hatted hate-sowing conspiracist shit gibbons…. May all memory of their molding entrails fuse with Andrew Breitbart’s in the subterranean oubliette of America’s spastic attention span.
Well thats some mighty fine cursifyin’.
Mighty fine.
Oh yeah, they felt that, I reckon, and they’ll keep feelin it too. Not often you encounter such distinguished swearers out in the wild west. Now if you’ll 'scuse me, I got myself a tense shootout unfolding like a poker game over here, hope you don’t mind.