• jhymesba@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    No. Biden is not far-right elsewhere in the world. Centre-right, maybe, but not far-right. And don’t forget in the rest of the world, Team Pepe is ultra-mega-bat-shit-insane-giga-right with a healthy dose of Sedition (Confederate Flags) and Genocide (actual Genocide, even, in the form of Nazi flags) added in for good measure.

    Here’s a fact for you. 26% of Americans identify as Liberal, compared to 34% Conservative and 40% Moderate. And that 26% is ALL liberals, not just the most progressive ones. So, you can imagine you are a tiny number compared to the rest of the voters in the USA. You know this. I know this. And pro-tip: Biden knows this. He really, really wants have a friendly congress his second 2 years, and win another 4 year term, so he can’t exactly cow-tow to you folks. He tries to enact Euro-Socialism here in the States, and especially if he gets it wrong, that 74% is going to spank him hard in the next election. Given that he can’t trust you folks go actually get out and vote, he’s looking at the numbers and deciding that he’s going to be careful enacting a Liberal agenda, taking it slowly, and allowing it a chance to work and be seen as useful by the 74% of Americans who do NOT describe themselves as Liberal, before moving to the next phase. You want him to change? Well, you’re going to have to convince some of that 74% that does not identify as Liberal to actually identify as liberal, and turn out.

    Second pro-tip: If you do the stupid thing and buy this BS that Biden’s a far right President that doesn’t deserve your vote, then you’ll get an actual-far-right President and you may never get to vote again. Have a read at Project 2025 and know that’s your future if Biden loses.

      • jhymesba@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        …much closer to being far-right than he is to being left…

        How else am I supposed to read those words? And ‘manifesto’? Hey, pal, I’m just pointing out you are wrong so that voters don’t get this bullshit in their minds and think that Biden’s some ultra-right-wing MAGAt no better than Trump and decide to stay home. And guess what! I’m going to keep doing that!

        Here’s a list of things Biden has accomplished in his first term:

        • Overtime guarantees for workers earning less than 55k (actually in progress, but slated for release soon as of 2024-04-11)
        • Access to Over the Counter Birth Control.
        • Funding provided to schools to deal with gun safety issues.
        • Funding for green energy, which has pushed it to the #2 source of energy in the US.
        • Directed Federal Reserve to draft a new anti-redlining guideline for home loans in the USA.
        • Cut overdraft fees from punitive $30 to $40 levels to much saner $3 to 14. ** Working on cutting credit card late payment fees.
        • Revised the Electoral Count Act to increase the threshold to object to vote counts, clarify the VP’s role is strictly ceremonial, outlaw the tricks Trump tried to use to hold onto power, and make transition automatic and required.
        • Funding for Green Agriculture to ensure that farming practices are kind to the environment.
        • Funding for small farms, to blunt the Big Ag monopoly.
        • Potential move of MJ to Schedule III (from Schedule I).
        • Reining in the cost of college debt by penalising colleges that generate too much debt relative to the potential income of the field.
        • Reducing our dependency on Taiwan for microchips by onshoring IC production here in the USA, offsetting Trump’s tariffs by making it possible to actually buy a microchip powered device that was built in the USA.
        • Encouraging telemedicine prescriptions of medications.
        • Protecting unions from union-busting activities.
        • Invested 1.2b USD in infrastructure projects to repair and extend our nation’s infrastructure.
        • Holding airlines accountable for late or cancelled flights by mandating they compensate their passengers.

        None of that looks right-wing to me,. and while Biden has invested in our military and pushed oil production in the USA to record levels, that doesn’t counter the above list of things Biden has done. So forgive me if I just point out that he’s NOT far-right, at home or overseas. At most, he’s centre-right outside the USA, and honestly, like we both said, the USA is filled with right-leaning politicians and voters, so he’s definitely the better choice, and frankly, the only reasonable choice for a nation where 74% say they are NOT Liberal.

        So thanks for agreeing with me that he’s by far the better choice. I’m glad you said that, though I wish you’d said that on your original post. There’s too much bullshit floating around saying BIDEN BAD~!, and the chances are that if we let that stuff go un-challenged, we’ll get REAL bad in 2025.