Zenroom Release card graphic showing a lucha libre mask with a Zenroom Z on it

Zenroom is a secure execution environment of the domain-specific language Zencode: it makes it easy to execute fast cryptographic operations on any data structure.

Zenroom is very small 🤏🏽 and simple to use 🐰 and needs no extra dependency to do cryptography on any platform: desktop, embedded mobile, cloud micro-services, and web browsers. #Zenroom works in apps written in Python, Rust, Golang or Javascript: just npm install zenroom !

The #Zencode language has a no-code approach and it is similar to human language 🫂 Zencode can process large data structures through complex cryptographic and logical transformations 💡

Zencode helps developers ✊🏽 to empower people who know what to do with data: one can write and review business logic and data-sensitive operations without learning to code.

What’s new? 🆕

This release sets a new round for stable releases and includes many improvements, new features and bug fixes. Most notably:

🔤 Improved grammar for the Zencode language, adding branching and for-each cycling.

🔬 Stable support for Quantum-proof cryptography (both signatures and shared keys: Dilithium, Kyber and NTRU). Also, new signatures are available: EDDSA, deterministic ECDSA signatures and BBS+ Zero-Knowledge proof. The W3C scenario now supports all operations of our Distributed Identity implementation needs at DID.dyne.org.

🛠️ Improvements include code refactoring to ease maintenance, more documentation, several bugfixes and a 25% performance improvement on most Zencode operations and smaller binary payloads. We also updated Lua to v5.4.

🪢 Go, Rust and Python language bindings are optimized using a secure zencode-exec binary for all target platforms. Error messaging has been dramatically improved, including JSON formatting for logs.

From the future and beyond 🚀

Development plans include the implementation of new schemes like SD-JWT and support for the EUDI ARF specifications. Also, debugging facilities will be improved with step execution and Session Portability, allowing the export and re-import of a Zencode HEAP and STACK at any time between different VMs of the same version.

With live session import and export, we plan to offer a unique implementation of VM-secured multi-party computation soon.

🎯 Free Webinar coming up on Friday 3 November at 16:30 GMT+1
📬 Subscribe on our website and join us. Crypto Power to the People! ✊🏽