Which one do you have? That is pretty much my exact use case!
Which one do you have? That is pretty much my exact use case!
This one may be kinda weird, but I regularly scroll wayyy back in the Giant Bombcast feed and will pick a point in time and listen forward. It’s like hanging out with old friends again, it’s always kinda bittersweet. You always have a soft spot for your first parasocial relationship 💜
I imagine it’s probably something to do with the live piercing, which I assume to be hook pulls? Needle play really icks some people out, but I don’t know if it would be visible from an opera stage
On Windows: EarTrumpet
Being able to quickly change audio outputs is awesome, I am always bouncing between headset and speakers. Also the pop up volume mixer is better than the built in one. Been using ET for years and years, can pry it from my cold dead hands.
Same. I also sell the fact that it works xPlatform perfectly, so no more Android/SMS/iMessage fuckery happening.
Weird, cus it literally happened a few months ago:
This was in no way a Windows problem, this was entirely a CrowdStrike problem. Claiming otherwise makes you look like an uninformed moron.
To be mildly fair to Spotify Car Thing lasted for at least 3yrs. The worst part was, imo, it was really good. Like sure, my phone does voice commands but they work like 1/5 times. Car Thing worked nearly 100%, responded to anyone in the cars voice (pro/con depending on situation lol), and was a nice display for my preAndroidAuto headunit. Honestly I think the biggest mistake was that it was tied to a car, I used it on my desk for a while as a dedicated music control surface and it worked well. If more time went into making it just a universal Spotify controller it would have been much better as a thing. Have it mounted next to your receiver, or slap a battery in it and put it on a coffee table during a party and that would have been cool AF and requires zero phone interactions.
Samsung has even cut most of the horseshit out. My S22 had like a few Samsung apps, they live in a folder and I never see them. But that is similar to all of the Apple apps you couldn’t remove either (don’t know if that’s changed, haven’t had an iPhone since the 4)
Yea, like that would ever in literally any possible incarnation of any possible existence where Apple is a thing happen. Totally.
Thor from PirateSoftware tells his channel mods to hand out 1-3hr bans like candy. They aren’t overly harsh, and sends the message that your actions are seen and being noted.
Some days I get ice cream from the small local dairy. Those are pretty much the good days.
Al Frankens political career got fully William Wallaced in public view for nothing while Donny Two Scoops raised millions after becoming a convicted felon.
I hate this country most of the time these days.
I don’t know if CoS is tax exempt, TST is 100%. CoS may even disagree with being exempt, they are pretty contrarian seemingly as a founding principal (no shade, all respect).
Sounds like my Unifi experience with the old CloudKeys that liked to brick themselves if the wind blew in a way they disliked. Everything still ran fine, but I couldn’t manage any of it till I factory reset it all. I think it ran like that for 3mo before I could be bothered 😅
2015 Ford Focus ST
Traded in my 11 WRX for it after Subaru tried to dick me around on a warranty claim. It’s got 128k on it now and it’s been rock fuckin solid dependable outside of the gas tank sucking itself inside out lol. Ford handled that.